War Room

War Room

If you haven’t yet seen War Room, I won’t spoil the plot for
you. You can get it at Red Box right now, and it’s definitely worth the $1 +
tax. =) I do highly recommend it. The message of the movie has sunk into my
heart in a powerful way. As a visual learner, I was greatly moved to see how a
Battle Plan for prayer is always
effective. That’s the thing about prayer. It doesn’t just sometimes work, or
once in a while work, it ALWAYS works.

Chuck and I stayed up late watching the movie, “Interstellar”
during our holiday vacation. The movie wasn’t supposed to be a scary one, but
it had me on edge by the time it was over. It messed with my mind, and that
caused me to be anxious.

Afterwards we went to change the baby’s diapers, but Basye
had already soaked through. By the time we got her helmet off, took off her wet
clothes, got her a dry diaper and fresh PJ’s, she was totally out of sorts and
wailing. I began rocking her while Chuck prepared a bottle. As she finally
began to relax, I thought to myself, “I wish I could feel this safe and comforted.”
Immediately God spoke to my heart and mind in His still, soft, but very clear
voice, “You can feel this safe and comforted. I’m holding you just like you’re
holding your daughter.” I wanted to believe it, but that hasn’t seemed to be
real very often in my life.

After praying over Basye for awhile, I put her down in her
crib and she fell peacefully asleep. But I wasn’t at peace. God was prompting
my heart to go into Jase’s room and PRAY.

You see, earlier in the evening when we had put him to bed,
he kept telling us he was “scared”. He made his little two-year-old body shake,
and said, “noise” while pointing to the window. Seeing him scared at such a
young age rocked me. I am someone who has been fearful going all the way back
to about age 7. It unnerved me to see Jase scared, and I didn’t know how to
help him.

So when God prompted my heart at 1 in the morning to battle
in prayer over my son, I put that armor on and began to fight in prayer. I put
my hand on his little legs and began claiming the victory of Jesus over my son.
My body was covered in chills from head to toe because I knew I was fighting in
the supernatural realm. I also knew Jesus was fighting for me. Over and over
again I prayed against the enemy’s schemes, and claimed the victory of Christ
on his life. “Jesus, Jase’s fear was paid for at the cross! I nail his fear to
the cross and proclaim your peace over Jase.” God brought several different
things to mind that I claimed over Jase. I believe God has a powerful, and
unique purpose for my son for His Kingdom.

I ended the time with this, “Jesus, YOU reign supreme over
this house, over this family. You sit on the throne of our home, and the enemy
is not welcome here!” Praise Jesus. Praise His Holy name!
I went down stairs and immediately told Chuck, “Things are
going to be different around here!” And they have been already. I went to sleep
that night at peace. If you know me, then you know that is no small miracle
after having watched a movie that made me so anxious.  

I fell asleep smiling, feeling genuinely wrapped in the arms
of God. Safe and comforted.

4 thoughts on “War Room

  1. Thank you for this post, Abigail! I struggle with fear, too. Your obedience encouraged me. Mark and I have been wanting to see War Room. Have only heard wonderful things. We need to make it happen soon and apply what we learn there like you did. Your posts always bless me!

  2. Great post – Landon has also had nights when he was scared to be alone in his room at bedtime. His thing is dinosaurs, which is really weird, but he'll call down to us, "There's no dinosaurs, right Mama/Papa?" in a scared little voice. The first night it happened, he was asking us about dinosaurs off and on until almost midnight. I went up there several times to hold him, to pray over him, and to comfort him, but it shook me up for sure. I was also fearful often as a child at night. It's lessened, but once in awhile he'll still ask us about dinosaurs!

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