Happy 1st Birthday, Basye!

Happy 1st Birthday, Basye!

My precious sweetheart. My baby girl. Happy FIRST birthday to you. This past weekend I did my usual Walmart run, very well aware I didn’t need to buy you formula anymore. I was so excited to be able to save money by switching to milk I didn’t stop to think about it too much. But as I was walking the baby aisle, it occurred to me how there is a sadness in my heart at you moving on from formula.

You are leaving infancy and heading into the toddler world. You are already loving life as a toddler. You started walking at ten months old. Our adventure girl! Climbing on any furniture you can reach, crawling behind any furniture you can fit behind, and standing on any arm of a couch you can get yourself onto sets your Mama’s heart racing. You are fearless, child.

When I think of how to describe you, “pure sweetness” is what always comes to mind. You are absolute sugar. Your laugh sends joy to my soul. Your smile melts my heart into a thousand pieces. You’ve been through an awful lot in your first year of life- most of it much harder on your Mama than you. You are resilient. You are strong. You are beautiful! I admire you greatly. I learn from you daily. You inspire me, sweet girl of mine.

I praise Jesus for bringing you into this world. I praise Jesus He honored your Papa and I with the gift of raising you. Jesus put you on my heart several years before you were even conceived. I knew you were coming. We knew your name. “Daughter of Yahweh (The Lord), gift of grace”. You are His. Jesus loves you more than you will ever know, but I pray you will get a glimpse of it early in life. Once you taste His love, there will be no turning back!

Jesus is captivating. Jesus is thrilling. Jesus is exciting. Jesus is peace. He is hope. He is pure love. He is safe. He is good. Jesus is life. May He cover you with His unending life forever more.

I love you, precious daughter. Your cheeks beckon a thousand kisses a day. Your belly beckons endless tickles. Your giggles bring joy to my ears. I love you so much I can hardly breathe at the thought of trying to convey it. I want you to know my love for you, and I want you to know Jesus’ love for you. He’s the very best. The bestest bestest best friend you will ever know. He adores you even more than I do.

I love you, Basye Jane. Blessings upon blessings upon blessings all over you. Happy Birthday, Pwesho. xoxo

3 thoughts on “Happy 1st Birthday, Basye!

  1. Beautiful post, Babe! It's been a wonderful year with Basye. I feel like my heart has grown twice the size, since she was born. 🙂

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