Books Galore

Books Galore

This morning I was reaching for something in the drawer of my bedside table, and noticed two books I had started but never finished. (1 fiction, and 1 non-fiction) Then downstairs there are three books I’m reading sitting out on a table next to the couch. Hmmm, that makes FIVE books I have started but not finished! There have been times in my life where I have read hoards of books in 1 week.

When my family lived in Iowa, between my 4th-6th grade years, my Mom would take us to the library all the time! She’d let us go our separate ways, and choose whatever section of the library we wanted to pick books from. I’d go home with stacks of books, and read for hours on end.

In sixth grade, anytime we finished a book in school, we’d get to put a sticker up on a chart. I read so many books that year my stickers went off the chart (literally). I began to worry my teacher wouldn’t believe me.

These days I tend to only finish the books I listen to on Audible (an app where you can listen to books). I purchased Annie F. Downs brand new book, That Sounds Fun, and it came with a free copy of the audiobook. I flew through it in no time (listening, of course!), and thoroughly enjoyed it. In one chapter of the book Annie shares about two book clubs she has been apart of, and how special they were. A dear friend of mine, Lisa, has also been apart of a book club for years so I think it’s been pricking my brain for quite awhile. It’s one of those things God has stirred a desire (dream?) in my heart for.

This summer will be the first time I get to be apart of one, and I’m so excited about it! It means, at the very least, I will read 1 book a month. I’m seriously thinking about getting rid of cable. My hope is that I would read more instead of watching TV at night. Not sure if it would work or not…

Is anyone out there a big reader? How do you get yourself to read?

2 thoughts on “Books Galore

  1. Yes, Abigail, I am a huge reader. Like you, my reading stars in elementary school went off the chart. In fifth and sixth grade my goal was to read every book in our tiny school library. I didn’t meet my goal, but I did read every book even remotely interesting to me. And I had friends with Nancy Drew books the library didn’t have, so we started a trading group to trade the ones we owned. The only thing that’s changed since then is that if I’m not loving a book after 20-30 pages, I abandon it. Too many good books to waste time! So glad you’re blogging again. Always a delight to read!

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