SEEN: March 20, 2020

SEEN: March 20, 2020

I woke up this morning with a desire to write. I haven’t even gotten out of bed yet. Most of the time I don’t feel like writing a blog post because I get intimated by the editing process, adding pictures, making it fancy, etc. How about I just write?

It’s Friday, March 20, 2020. Two months in to the year 2020, and we’re already making history. Near the end of 2019, God gave me the Word, “Seen” for the new year. Around the same time He gave Chuck the Word, “Redemtion”. We continue to carry over the Word of “Abundance” with us from last year, as well.

Despite very little contact with other humans this week, God has moved in such a way I have felt SEEN. I have felt seen by His people, which ultimately makes me feel seen by Him. Earlier this week, the decision was made to cancel my baby shower, which was supposed to be tomorrow (Saturday, 3/21). I have had my new dress hanging in the closet for a couple weeks, ready to dorn. Family and friends were supposed to be in town this very minute. As each piece of the plan started slowly falling through, God immediately swooped in.

On Tuesday afternoon, our doorbell rang and my friend Heidi was standing there with a large box of baby wipes, and a pink gift bag covered in sparkles. She shared with me that even though the shower was canceled she wanted me to know our baby was still being celebrated, and honored. She wanted to buy the baby some special gifts, but also thoughtful gifts for me! She wanted me to feel special these last 5 ½ weeks until birth. It’s hard to put into words how much this meant to me. There is something so powerful about being SEEN.

Since then, Chuck has brought home gifts from work from two of his “coworkers”, which are special friends of ours. Then I got surprised with packages on my doorstep from one of my Aunts, as well as my Mom. Each and every gift has filled my heart and spirit with an abundance of joy this week. Feeling SEEN matters.

It makes me think about how I can make those around me feel seen. When people are seen, they feel loved. When they feel loved, they have a taste of God’s presence. We don’t have to actually congregate in groups, or even face-to-face to help someone feel seen. I heard someone share online yesterday to reach out if we needed encouragement. I said to Chuck, “What does that even mean? How are we supposed to ‘reach out for help’ at a time like this?”I like tangible, and practical. I have been thinking of ways to reach out to people, and help them know they are SEEN. It matters so much.

Here are some ideas. Some of these things we have done this week, and some are things we can still do.

-Write letters to family and friends, and send them through the actual mail

– If you have children, include pictures drawn by your kids

-Send letters/pictures to someone elderly or in a nursing home (We have a Great, Great Aunt in a nursing home, and an elderly neighbor who is shut-in)

-Get the FREE **Marco Polo app, and send videos to family and friends. Speak life and blessing over them and their families. (**Marco Polo is an app where you connect with someone by sending video clips back and forth. Your video can be as long/short as you want, and they can respond whenever they have free time.)

-Send someone a package in the actual mail. There is a darling local shop (New Creation) in our town that is sending out “Love and Sunshine” care packages for around $20. The owners are from our church, and every dollar spent in their shop aids to fight against slavery and trafficking.)

-Drop off flowers and a note on a friend’s doorstep

-Use your phone to make an actual call to a family or friend…just because you were thinking of them

-Set up a FaceTime Date with someone you haven’t chatted with for awhile

Well, I’m hungry and I should probably get out of bed! If you have any other ideas of ways to help people around us feel SEEN, please do share in the comments!

Sending blessings and love from our good God to you today.

2 thoughts on “SEEN: March 20, 2020

  1. Baby shower? Birth in 5 1/2 weeks? No wonder you haven’t been on the blog lately. I am so happy for you! I hope you can feel me “seeing” you right now. My big idea for later today is to “see” my mom. My dad passed in January and Mom is already lonely enough without having to shelter in place. This afternoon I’m bringing over dinner and her favorite board game: Scrabble. Hopefully she will feel “seen” and loved WHILE she is beating the pants off me! So good see you surface on the blog again . . .

    1. Hi Cindy!! That is the perfect way to SEE your Mom! Hope you all had a lovely evening together. I’m so sorry to hear about your Dad. Blessings on you all.

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