What We’ve Been Dying to Tell You!

To Our Dearest Friends and Family,
Merry Christmas you guys, it’s a season for miracles! For us, the main thing we’ve been asking God for is actually becoming a reality. We are finally free to share something we’ve been holding onto for several weeks.

Starting January 1, Chuck will officially be working at our church FULL TIME. *Cue fireworks, dancing, and all manner of praise to God!* Chuck began as the middle and high school youth director part-time this past August. A few weeks later, he took on another part-time substitute position as a middle school math teacher. We knew the situation was not going to be a long term solution, so we continued to ask God for ONE full-time job.

It has been a year and a half since he’s had a full-time job with a steady income. We never could have predicted all we went through in that time. The one constant we had was a God who never once let us slip. I remember Chuck coming into our room one night saying, “Babe, we have $6 in our account.” Through HIS provision this year, we were given grocery store gift cards, hospital bills were paid in full, dental surgery was covered, plane tickets to German were taken care of, gift cards were given so we could buy our kids Christmas presents, checks showed up in the mail, money was taken off our rent- our rent is below market price, phone bills were paid for, Chuck was given new Nike shoes (his old ones had holes!), two incredible meals at the Chop House, free tickets and unlimited rides to the county fair, our kids were given clothes, and much more.
Our God has been faithful, and He has poured out blessing during a season that could have been quite a drought.

We couldn’t be more excited for Chuck to start working at Grace Covenant Church full-time. This position is hand-tailored by God to specifically fit Chuck’s gifting. He will continue leading middle and high school students, while adding graphic design to his role. Our Dubbe Designs business is growing, and we will absolutely be continuing. Please let us know how we can serve you in 2019 at www.dubbedesigns.com You can also follow us on Instagram @dubbedesignsva.

This past summer I started my own business as a distributer and teacher for Young Living, an essential oils company. It’s such a joy to get to share about health and wellness with others. God has given our team favor in the last five months, and I believe He’s going to continue growing the business. You can continue to follow this adventure right here and on Facebook @fullofjoyblog.
Jase is our passionate, generous, servant-hearted 5-year-old who is always going full-speed ahead. He lost his first tooth last month! Basye will be 4 in January, and is our spirited, sweet, and thoughtful girl. She enjoyed her first dance class this year. We thank God for the growth we’ve seen in them, and for the love Holy Spirit continues to speak into their hearts.

We rejoice with you in the gift of our Jesus’ birth! Many blessings and the favor of God on each one of you. We love you!
Much love, the dubbes =)
7 thoughts on “What We’ve Been Dying to Tell You!”
Praise God! <3 Yay!!!
Yes and Amen, Michelle!!
So, so, so elated for and with you!!!
Thanks so much, Cindy!
Amazing news, Abigail!! I am so happy for you!
Thank you Melody! So, so grateful!
I love this!!! God is so good!! Love you guys!!