When Life Makes You Juggle On a Unicycle
At the end of August life felt a little bleak. We were thrilled with Chuck’s new Youth Director position at our church, but bills can’t be paid with one Part-Time job. There was always this tension of excitement for how God had opened such a massive door of opportunity for us, but also feelings of disappointment and discouragement. We kept wondering why He had only provided a part-time situation.
One Sunday I was chatting with a friend and she asked how the job search was going. I told her Chuck needed a job, “like two weeks ago”. She then asked if he would be interested in being her long-term sub when she went out on maternity leave. It would be a middle school math position, and was a very attractive option for him. That was the Sunday before Labor Day. The following Thursday, after interviews and observations, Chuck was offered the job! We could hardly believe it. God hand-made these two part-time jobs to coincide beautifully with each other. Chuck can teach math in the morning, and do church youth stuff in the afternoon.
As you can imagine, we’ve had two big days back-to-back this week. Last night was our very first youth group gathering. We had not been to a high school ministry gathering since the summer of 2017. Our hearts were so filled with tenderness and gratitude. The time together with students and leaders was such a joy.
Yesterday was Chuck’s first day teaching. Isn’t he adorable? We are grateful for our 4 jobs (youth director, teacher, Young Living distributor, and Dubbe Designs), but as you can imagine, it’s a lot to juggle. For those of you who know Chuck, you know he is great at juggling, and can even do it while riding a unicycle. So, I think he’s the right guy to be able to handle this season of life!
2 thoughts on “When Life Makes You Juggle On a Unicycle”
Wow! Congratulations, Chuck!
Thanks Mel!!