The Truth About Joy

The Truth About Joy

Everything in me wants to curl up on the couch with my favorite quilt (we actually  named it “the favorite quilt!”) and CRASH. I’m just so tired. Physically I did not get the sleep I needed last night, but mentally and emotionally I am so weary. The constant message I’ve been receiving lately is that I’m not good enough. Whether it be youth ministry, parenting, being a wife, or planning events- I am feeling like all signs point to QUIT. Even my attempt at creating fun moments in our family has flopped. I tried to make brownies last week, but took them out of the oven too soon so they were under baked, and really gross. That same night I had planned to watch American Idol with Chuck and just relax together, only to find out the show had been moved to Thursdays only. Another time recently I sacrificed precious grocery money to order in, and the food make me sick. What on earth?!

All that to say, I’d rather just curl up on the couch and grab some moments of rest and quiet while the kids are napping. Instead I will press on with this post to show I am qualified to write about the topic of joy in mothering. I’m qualified simply because joy is hard for me. I am not a woman who is just naturally happy and cheery and dancing under rainbows all the time. Because I am a realist, I worry and fret about so many things. Constantly.

As I’ve chewed on this topic for several weeks now, God has made it clear in my spirit a big way to find joy in mothering (and life in general) is to choose to be grateful. As mentioned last week, gratefulness is part of the strategy to fight against fear, but it is also probably the most important part of finding joy. Joy is a choice. Choosing joy means being thankful. And boy is that hard.

Most of us have been hammered with Philippians 4:6-7 our whole lives. The passage instructs us to rejoice in the Lord, not to be anxious about ANYthing, to pray, to tell God our requests, and to BE THANKFUL. Until recently I haven’t given the thankful part of the verse much thought. But it’s a huge part.

Listen, you’re probably just as tired and weary as I am, maybe even more. How about I share some things I am thankful for, and you do the same? It’s really encouraging to share in community what we have to be grateful for, so please comment- I would love to hear! Let’s link arms and live in joy together!

These two. I’m thankful for their love and sweet affection for each other. I’m thankful they have one another.

I’m thankful for all the medical professionals in Basye’s life that are helping her thrive! I’m also thankful for hand-me-downs from older cousins!  

I’m thankful for a husband who is excited to play baseball with his son.

This man. I’m thankful for his presence, his faithfulness, his patience, his thoughtfulness, and the fun we have together. I’m thankful for times when we can crash on the couch together and cuddle.  

2 thoughts on “The Truth About Joy

  1. I love this! Especially because I chose to give up my afternoon nap to clean the house for once in my life. I am so thankful for my exuberant daughters, a house that's close to everything, and a husband who is steadfast but not stagnant. He is constantly growing and challenging me and himself. He is full of new and exciting ideas and adventures. As a TCK who is living in one place and putting down roots, this is just what I need.

  2. Choosing to be thankful and writing down five things for which I am thankful each day has gotten me through some of the most difficult seasons of my life. Truthfully, I am more disciplined to write in my Thankfulness Journal when things are hard than when things are going well.

    Today, I am thankful for my husband who is such a servant leader. I am also thankful for a few days without rain, for Skype which allows me to see and talk with my children and grand children, the opportunity to take a break from ministry for a few days and explore another area of the country where we serve, and, after a long, dark winter, more daylight.

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