Hello, My Name Is Abigail!

Hello, My Name Is Abigail!

Hello, my name is Abigail. My birth certificate says
Abigail. My license says Abigail. My passport says Abigail. Every single
official document in my life says ABIGAIL. I tell people my name is Abigail. I want to be called Abigail.
Some call me, “Ab” or “Abs” or “Babe” (Ok, maybe only one person calls me
that.) or “Auntie” or “Aunt Abigail” or “Mama”- all names I love to hear. All
names that bring joy to my heart. All names that fill me up with respect,
affirmation, and affection. All names I like
to be called.

I borrowed the title to this post from my great husband.
Several weeks ago, he spoke to a group of people in their twenties (How am I
not in my twenties anymore? Like, not even close.) on our names. There are many
instances in the Bible where God changed people’s names. Sarai:Sarah, Abram:Abraham,
Saul:Paul, Jacob:Israel. And even times where people changed their own names.
Naomi:Mara. This says to me names are extremely important.

There is value in a name. There is meaning to it. If you don’t
know the meaning of your name, I encourage you to look it up! There is power in
a name. God has so many names it would take years of study for me to count them
all. And each name of God means something completely astounding. I love that He
is Emmanuel-God With Us. I love that He has a name that means God is There. I
love that He has a name that means Healer.  I recently discovered that Jesus translates in
the Hebrew to mean, “God delivers/rescues/saves His people”. Blows me away!
HE HAS RESCUED ME. There are days thoughts of My Rescuer
slip to the back of my brain. On those days, or in those moments, I get caught
up in my mind. I feel tangled in a mess of thoughts like seaweed snagged around
the plastic piece of a six-pack. My brain feels like its twisting and tumbling
and tied up. All my worries and fears and struggles feel like they will be
hopeless to untie.

I used to be able to stuff the seaweed. I used to be able to
tuck the tied up plastic six-pack into out of reach places, but that’s not
working for me anymore. I’m a Mother now. I’m responsible for my emotional and
mental health. If I’m not in a healthy place in my mind, then my husband and
kids suffer of course, but I suffer the most.

What’s amazing is, the one Name that can untangle, untie,
and sort out the mess is JESUS. My Rescuer. My Savior. My Deliverer. Jesus. My
One. My Only. In the days or moments when thoughts of Him are slipping to the
back, I call out His name. Loudly. Clearly. JESUS! And there is Peace. There is
Rest. “The one the LORD loves (That includes ALL of us. That includes YOU, my
friend.) rests between His shoulders”. Deuteronomy 33:12

Wherever you are in this season of life, wherever you are in
the moment of just this day- He beckons you to rest between His shoulders. He
beckons you to cry out His name. He calls you by your name, and you are adored
by Him.

Abigail means, “Father’s source of joy”. I’ve always clearly
known how much joy I’ve brought to my earthly Dad, but knowing I bring JOY to
my Jesus takes my breath away. I find such joy in Him, and I’m brought to my
knees in awe He finds joy in me, too. And in you.

So what does your Name mean? What do you love to be called?
May your name be a blessing to you today!   


8 thoughts on “Hello, My Name Is Abigail!

  1. My name means 'ewe' or lamb 🙂

    I have lots of nicknames 🙂 most common now is RaeRae…mostly children and my husband but I don't mind if others do. When someone I'm starting to get to know calls me Rach for the first time I take notice. I feel like our friendship has gone to the next level of comfort and I love that!

    A cute story about the name Abigail…
    I have s niece named Abbie…just Abbie, not Abigail but sometimes her younger sister will yell at her ABIGAIL! It cracks me up because no one calls her that and it's a longer version of her name!

  2. My name is pretty self explanatory. Melody Joy. Melody for praising God. Joy because "the Joy of the Lord is my strength." I love that because I am not a strong person physically or in any other way.

  3. Loved your post, Abigail! I especially loved the word picture that you painted with the sea weed wrapped plastic wrapper! Perfect description!

    Reneé means born again or reborn. I didn't know that until I was in my forties, about 10 years after I became a Christian. I love my name and I'm so glad the Lord chose it for me! My parents just thought that they picked it out! Lol. People almost always call me by my given name. No nicknames for me.

  4. My name means 'youthful.' Since I am entering my seventh decade, I am banking on living up to my name for decades to come (Lord willing).

    When I went to kindergarten, my teacher tried to call me by my given name. Since, in the sixties, everyone else seemed to be called Cindy, Susie, Debbie, I didn't want to be called Julia, but preferred my nickname, Julie. The desire to fit in can be strong when you are five.

    Then in 10th grade, I decided that Julia sounded more grown-up and refined and so I started introducing myself as Julia instead of Julie.

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