LifeWay/B&H Publishing

LifeWay/B&H Publishing

Whoa. My heart is racing. A couple days ago I found out about a program through LifeWay and B&H Publishing for bloggers and readers. I ecstatically applied and could not sleep that night over the anticipation.

A little backstory. Less than 2 weeks ago I attended a Beth Moore simulcast in Lancaster. I thought it was something I was dying to do, but less than five minutes in, I knew Jesus was the one who wanted me there. It was a life changing day. I didn’t expect to be spoken to by Jesus so uniquely and personally. Jesus used Beth to speak words of life, hope, healing, and passion that sparked a renewed connection with Him. I’m really grateful for Jesus, and for Beth. That woman is anointed.

Those who attended the simulcast were offered the opportunity to order her new book, “Audacious”. I jumped right on that because the book is essentially the simulcast in written form. I wanted more! The book arrived, and I dove right in. At the end of chapter 3, Beth asks two questions. One of the questions had been kindof haunting me. What are you most compelled by the love of Christ to do? As I mulled over the many things in life I enjoy, I couldn’t think of an it. That one thing. As I prayed about it, there was one very quiet answer sitting tucked safely away at the bottom of my heart. It was more of a whisper….writing. Writing. And I would argue with the inner voice. Things like, “I have no idea where to begin”, “I don’t have as much experience as others”, “I don’t know what to write about” plagued my mind. I actually hadn’t continued reading in “Audacious” because I was so stuck on the question.

Now we can fast-forward to today! I heard back from Lifeway/B&H Publishers. Drumroll pleeeeease-  I got accepted! This means I get to read LifeWay books or Bible studies (for FREE!), and review them on  my blog! Once I write a review, I’ll order a new book. Wow. Seriously amazed by how God has brought this all together. Stay tuned, friends! They will even give me books to GIVE AWAY on here.

I think it’s been pretty clear all along what I feel compelled to do. Now I will audaciously answer the call! If anyone is out there listening, tell me what are YOU most compelled by the love of Christ to do???

2 thoughts on “LifeWay/B&H Publishing

  1. Oh Abby I am so excited for you. God has given you the gift. I am so excited to read the books you write about. What a ministry! That question is a Big question, first thought is to help others. I guess I'm gonna have to pray on that and see where He leads. So proud you found your answer.

  2. I am catching up on your blog posts this morning and I am happy to see how God is revealing Himself and His goodness to you! He can be trusted! Love, Mom D

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