Hello Issues

Hello Issues

It’s been about 6 years. Yes, it’s true. My stomach issues have prevailed and actually worsened over the last several years. I’ve always chalked it up to being good ‘ol lactose intolerant, but that never explained why I still struggled even when I did not consume dairy products.

I’ve tried every thing under the sun to figure out what exactly is wrong with me!

-given up most dairy
-given up ALL dairy
-gone on the cleanse (Anyone remember THAT phase?! Oh have mercy on my soul! Poor Tara had to drag me to Urgent Care! At least I got to fall in love with Gilmore Girls then!)
-drove at least twice a week for an HOUR each time to see the Chiropractor
-given up wheat
-given up flour
-given up gluten
-given up sugar
-given up EVERY THING! (Boy do I miss my lattes.)
-taken probiotics

You get the picture. So, the time has come for me to buckle down and actually see a specialist. I did not even KNOW a specialist existed for my issues! Heck, I honestly thought I was actually normal, not realizing what I go through isn’t normal!

Basically after my first visit, I was bombarded with a massive list of tests that have to be done! I’m sure my colonoscopy blog will be an absolute HOOT. Yippy Skippy! I tell ya…

Anyway. Today was Day 1. I had my blood work done! My sweet boy took me and of course made it fun! As we were walking back to the room, he decides to loudly proclaim to the others waiting their turn, “I wonder if it’s a boy or a girl?!” I definitely hit him, but couldn’t help but laugh! What a stinkin’ goon!

I’m glad Day 1 is done! Day 2 will be an ultrasound…very weird. Very weird! I have no doubt interesting stories will follow….

3 thoughts on “Hello Issues

  1. wow, abby, i didn’t know you had gone through so much! i can’t imagine trying to live without all of those things! i wonder if you have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). my best friend, Ash Wittmer, went through a similar thing that you seem to be going through, and that is what the drs. figured out. i’m curious to hear about your appts. and what they come up with. good luck! i hope you feel better!

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