Day 31- Part 1

Day 31- Part 1

Happy Halloween!  This greeted me as I was getting ready this morning: Thought it was the sweetest thing- definitely made my morning! Since we’re doing our FFA #31 tonight, I probably won’t be able to blog about it until tomorrow or so.  Just wanted to let you know so you don’t wait up for my FINAL post of Fun Fall Activities.  I know how many of you can’t stand the anticipation.  You may be disappointed.  😉 As a follow-up to…

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Day 30

Day 30

Where did October go? Today is FFA #30!  Somewhere around day 13 I felt like I had so much time left, and now it’s only 1 more day of FFA’s.  Whew.  What a month.   FFA’s wouldn’t be complete without some Halloween candy.  Today we ventured out to Target and Chuck picked out the candy we’ll hand out tomorrow night to all the little Trick or Treaters.  It’ll be the first time in three years (our whole married life) that kids…

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Day 29

Day 29

Dunkin Monday! Today everything and their Grandmother is cancelled because of Sandy and the Frankenstorm.  For our house that means Chuck is working from home and Jovie doesn’t get any exercise.  We’ve been playing ball with her- goodness knows she needs a way to get all that energy out.  I love when Chuck works from home.  It makes everything I’m doing around the house so much more fun and enjoyable.   Today instead of Dunkin Monday, Chuck asked if I wanted…

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Day 28

Day 28

My sweet friend and faux “cousin”, Rachel (Mikes girlfriend) Today was the DC Marine Corps Marathon!  Chuck and I went to support our friend and neighbor who was running, and we also had friends in town who were running as well.  The city was jam packed with people, and I mean jam packed.  Thankfully we got to see each of our friends a couple times, and even got to see them near the finish line.  If you have never been…

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Day 27

Day 27

Again, no pictures taken for the FFA #27.  We went to a neighborhood Halloween party.  There were mostly couples with little kids in attendance, so we brought Jovie.  😉 It was a really cool time to meet more people in our neighborhood, and it seemed like we were all around the same age.  I was especially excited to learn of a girl who does hair out of her home!  Hallelujah, maybe I can finally find someone to do my hair…

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Day 25

Day 25

Chuck and I mutually thought of going to a large mall in our area where we enjoyed walking around and window shopping.  We were even able to spot several Christmas decorations.  This was the perfect ending to our already sweet date:

Day 26

Day 26

No pictures to show for this day.  But I did surprise Chuck by volunteering to help him with the yard work.  Our yard is quite small so it probably only took us 30 minutes to mow, rake, sweep, and clean up.  It was nice to work together on our “own” yard. 

Day 23

Day 23

Thanks to my dear friend Laura, I learned about this amazing movement going on in DC.  David’s Tent has been going on since September 27, and will continue right up until the election- that’s 40 days.  40 days of 24 hours a day 7 days a week prayer and worship for our country.  The amazing part is, this tent is set up right in front of The White House.  Chuck thankfully hadn’t heard of the event, and was quite surprised. …

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Day 24

Day 24

Chuck’s most beloved drink at Starbucks in the fall is the Salted Caramel Mocha.  There really is no other drink like it out there. It’s just hot deliciousness in a cup.  Sweet + Salty = bliss.  Well, I found a salted caramel creamer by accident one day at Walmart and could not resist surprising my man.  The creamer did not disappoint.  It’s not Starbucks, but it’ll do just fine!

Day 22

Day 22

Hello gorgeous!  (The donut, certainly  not me.)  Oh how I love Dunkin Mondays!  I find myself really looking forward to our time together there on Mondays.  This week we made it there before they sold out of the pumpkin donuts.  It was well worth the week’s wait.  Although I have to say, the maple donut was actually better.  Another cool thing about Dunkin Mondays is that it has introduced us to Rite Aid.  Because of it’s proximity to our favorite…

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