Super Woman

Super Woman

I was invited to hang out with some women and kids from my new church today.  It was a really encouraging morning being with them.  I very much enjoyed chatting with the other girls and getting to know some of them.  One of them asked me when I moved here.  I responded, “A week and a half after Jase was born.  Terrible idea.”  Two of the women said, “When we heard about that, we thought, ‘Is she super woman or…

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Teen Mama

Teen Mama

Yesterday I was chatting with some students while we were waiting for the teen service to begin.  Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a woman with a baby seat sitting at a table.  Upon closer inspection I realized it was a teen girl with a baby seat sitting at a table.  I asked the girls I was talking to who she was, and if that was her baby.  Before getting their reply I was compelled…

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Sunday Best

Sunday Best

I’m so tired and I really just long to crawl into bed- morning is going to come quick.  Sunday is approaching, so that means the alarm is set for 6:30am.  Yuck.  I’ve already mentioned my disdain for our Sunday morning schedule, but I find that the church’s ample supply of coffee does help.  I’m still up because I’m waiting for my clothes that are in the washer.  Although it just dawned on me I can throw them in the dryer…

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Sweet Love

Sweet Love

Today I was sitting on the couch perusing silly stuff on my phone while Jase played on the floor.  I was feeling pretty lonely, and not sure what I should do next.  So many thoughts were going through my head like, “Some day I should plant a garden”, or “I should really learn how to can vegetables from my future garden”, or “I don’t want Jase to grow up with so much technology.  I want him to run outside, play…

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Tonight Chuck and I start attending Financial Peace University.  It’s really not as scholarly as it sounds- in fact, it’s not even a university.  If you’ve never heard of Dave Ramsey, he’s a Christian finance guy.  It’s actually a mandatory class we have to take for Chuck’s new job.  Needless to say, I’m not thrilled about being forced to drag ourselves there, but I’ve been working on having a positive spirit.  My Mom has always said I am the most…

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5 Months!

5 Months!

Our “Widdle Bun” is FIVE MONTHS old today!  In fact it’s 11:33am, and five months ago today, Jase was born at 11:32am!  I was one happy girl at this time!  I am loving the five month old phase.  Our guy is such a joy.  He giggles all the time, “talks” a lot- especially in his crib, is an amazing sleeper- even slept until 9:23am today (went down at 7:45pm), he loves to kick and flail his arms like crazy, often…

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Sweet Family Time

Sweet Family Time

Though Chuck was (IS) still sick, he went on the winter retreat with the teens.  Ironically, both my parents were (ARE) sick as well, so my Mom wasn’t able to watch Jase for me.  So, I stayed home from the retreat to be with Jase.  THANKFULLY my Aunt Cynthy and cousin Kayla came and saved the day.  They spent the whole weekend with Jase and I, and we all had a fabulous time together.  I am such a chicken and…

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Sickie Hubs

Sickie Hubs

If you could please pray for Chuck, we would greatly appreciate it!  He came home early from church today with the chills, aches, and sore throat stuff.  Our winter retreat is THIS weekend and he had an important meeting with the leaders tonight about it.  I will be filling in- just call me Pastor Dubbe.  Ha.  But pray Jase doesn’t catch this, and that I can lead the meeting well.  Thank you all!

Church at Home

Church at Home

I know the true definition of “church” is the body of Christ, but for all intents and purposes, I’m going to say I stayed home from church today.  For me, Sundays are the most stressful day of the week.  I could go into all the logistics of why, but come Saturday nights, I get the blues.  I just realized this yesterday, and verbalized it to Chuck.  Normal church services seem to always be held on Sunday mornings, and usually way…

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I don’t really get in to New Years Resolutions.  Goals overwhelm me, and make me feel like I’m failing.  Chuck really gets in to setting goals and is motivated by them.  To each his own.  I am feeling daunted by all the things in life I’m not doing well.  I’m sure that’s a normal “new Mom” issue, or even a “Mom issue” in general.  Maybe not, but I suspect I’m not alone. The great news is, Jase is 4 months…

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