Rest of the Fam

Rest of the Fam

This is my whole immediate family, except my younger brother who was looking at records when we  found someone to take this. (Sorry Cakes!) My Mama and me. Here’s my Dad! My SIL, who has been in my life since I was 10!  There’s my younger brother with the nephews!  And my older brother with sweet lil G. 

Nephews, Niece, Cousins

Nephews, Niece, Cousins

My sweet, favorite little niece!  Does it get any better than cotton candy? “Come on!  Take a picture with Auntie!” Attempting to get three boys to take a picture… The best we could get- I love these boys! Precious guy.  Miss them all!

Family Vacay

Family Vacay

I just went grocery shopping:  I LOVE having fresh, new food items filling the fridge and pantry.  It’s such a good feeling.  Mmmm.  Especially the fresh fruit.  I am a fruit maniac right now.  I just can’t get enough of it.  Moving on, this post has nothing else to do with groceries.   My side of the family goes to the beach every other year.  It’s a wonderful tradition, and some years it’s the only time I see my older…

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Photo Uploading Session

Photo Uploading Session

Since Chuck has today off, we’ve used a good chunk of the morning to sort through our million photos, got them organized on his laptop, and basically just got on the same page.  These two pictures are my trial run on the blog.  I’m sure when I try to do this while he’s at work, something will go wrong.  That’s just how computers and I work.  I’m a total pro on the PC, but working on the Mac is really…

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A picture!

A picture!

That’s right everyone, I found a picture on this laptop to post.  It’s the most recent picture I could find, but it was taken back in June at Jase’s swimming lessons.  Chuck was going to show me how to upload new pictures last night, but I sighed and said, “I’m just too tired- looking at the computer makes me nauseous.”  Yes, I’m such a baby. Actually, looking at this picture makes me a little nauseous, as well.  No one wants…

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Rain Rain Stay!

Rain Rain Stay!

I just love rainy days!  Especially today because I’ve had a lingering headache.  Since it’s not sunny, I was able to sleep better during Jase and I’s morning nap (usually the sun shines brightly in our room). Even when I’m feeling well, I love rainy days!  I think it makes me feel relieved that I have an excuse not to go out and do anything.  We pretty much stay inside almost every day.  I don’t have the energy to run…

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Prince George

Prince George

Happy Birthday Prince George!  It’s fun having Jase born so close to the little Prince’s birthday.  We know he will be in the media for his whole life, and I’ll always think about the summer our little guys were born.  I would also like to point out Princess Kate and I share the exact same birthday, including the year.  I’m sure we could be such good friends, haha!  My friend who lives in England says Americans get way more excited…

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Baby Einstein

Baby Einstein

This is gonna have to be short and sweet, because as usual, I am nauseous.  Thankfully everything I have eaten today has stayed down so far, but that could change at any second.  Scrolling around on the computer, reading emails, or watching a show makes me feel even worse.  Not that I have much time for that anyway- my wild, wild baby keeps me running.  He’s into EVERY thing.  I’m trying to distract him with a Baby Einstein video, but…

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Looking Up

Looking Up

I was chatting with one of my sister-in-laws on the phone today (This is the first time ever I’ve counted how many SIL’s I have:  4 total, with potential for several more!  That’s pretty cool!), and said to her, “Things are looking up!”  The best part is, I wasn’t saying it as an attempt to sound positive and so convince myself, but I truly meant it.  The phrase actually came from my heart. A few weeks ago, I started a…

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4 Generations

4 Generations

Here we are- 4 generations on Mother’s Day!  It was pouring rain outside so we had to settle for an indoor picture.  That’s fine with me, I’m just thankful we were able to capture such a special day.  Side note:  I was looking at pictures my Grandma had on her fridge.  There was a picture of me up there from four years ago, the last time I had visited.  I was wearing the same shirt that I am wearing in…

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