Sweet Moments

Sweet Moments

Today I was able to go downstairs and visit Little Miss. My Mom was feeding her, and as soon as I started talking to Basye she turned her head and looked right at me. Even though I had a mask on, she knew my voice! She knew me! I almost burst into tears. I treasure the memory of that moment. Later while Jase was napping I went downstairs again to chat with my Mom. I got to watch her care…

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God IS Gracious!

God IS Gracious!

I’m typing this from our amazing bed! From our own amazing home! And I just ate an amazing home-cooked meal. There is NO place like home. We chose Jane as Basye’s middle name after my own Mama, but also because it means, “God is gracious”. That is the resounding theme in my heart tonight. GOD IS GRACIOUS!  To quickly answer some questions:  YES, we are home!  NO, I am still not allowed to hold my baby girl, but hopefully very…

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How SWEET is this note?! Just about the sweetest thing ever. The staff here is too wonderful! My blood tests came back and my numbers went up! Praising the Lord! The blood count for an average person should be between 12-14. I am at a 7.8. That’s still not good, but we are thanking God for the slooooooow increase. It shows I don’t have internal bleeding. Always a great thing! There are many factors going on with me physically. Basically…

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Praises and Waiting

Praises and Waiting

Fading quickly, ready for a nap, but praising God for good news today. Basye is doing beautifully! She is healthy and content, and I am so blessed to be able to watch her on camera. Thank you Jesus! A woman from the Infectious Disease Unit came in to talk with us today and I am allowed to be reunited with my girl tomorrow night after 8pm! CAN NOT WAIT! Thank you Jesus! My Dad got to snuggle with Basye this…

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Basye on Camera

Basye on Camera

Thank you for your prayers! So much. I have been feeling the presence of Jesus through your prayers, verses, words of encouragement, and your love. You are His hands and feet. Some very sweet angels on the hospital staff here worked hard to set up a camera just so I could feel connected to our girl. It was a huge, total surprise to me and means more than I can express adequately. She’s being very well-monitored, very well taken care…

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Prayer Intervention Please

Prayer Intervention Please

I am currently sitting alone in my hospital bed sobbing my eyes out.  There is so much happening all at once and it all feels like it’s just caving in on my soul. My Mother’s heart can hardly bear this. I’ve been texting with my own Mom and she is wisely telling me to trust God, and I told her I want to but I’m so afraid. She reminded me that’s why I need the  prayer of others. Will you lift…

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She’s HERE! =)

She’s HERE! =)

Please welcome Basye Jane Dubbe! Chuck and I are honored to share with you that our “Daughter of Yahweh, God is Gracious” has arrived! Basye Jane (pronounced “BAY-SEE”, and Jane after my Mama!) was born at 2:17pm, January 18, 2015. She was 8 lbs. 8.8 oz. and 19″. Several years ago we met a very sweet girl named Basye who was visiting the RBC youth group. Basye and her brother were both very friendly, and had even spent some time…

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Inquiring Minds

Inquiring Minds

There is nothing sacred, private, or personal about having a baby. All dignity is stripped and that’s just the way it is. In saying that, I do try to keep things about my pregnancy and how I’m feeling and doing somewhat reserved. I really wrestle with the negative emotions and thoughts I have about where I’m at, and never want to communicate a bad attitude to others. It’s just not attractive. I in no way desire to be fake, but…

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Ring Bearer

Ring Bearer

Jase has been blessed with some pretty wonderful baby-sitters. One of them, Hannah, got married last weekend and Jase was in her wedding. We were REALLY honored she asked him. It’s just such a wonderful feeling to watch someone else love my child so much. She is seriously crazy about our guy, and it makes my heart full. It was a lot of fun to prepare for his big debut as a ring bearer. Thankfully my sister-in-law has given me…

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