7 Weeks

7 Weeks

After 7 weeks, we finally got a picture of all four of us together! Chuck’s parents were visiting so they took some pictures for us. I’m way too tired to write much more. Both babies should be napping right now, but one won’t settle down enough for me to take a nap. I can barely keep my eyes open. It’s the perfect day for a nap, too- raining and WARM! 

Mama & Babies

Mama & Babies

Chuck took the high school students on a retreat last weekend. Since I’m the biggest chicken on the planet when it comes to staying home alone at night, and taking care of two babies alone all weekend sounded way too overwhelming, Chuck drove the babies and me up to my parent’s for a few days. There were many special moments while I was there- as always. Visiting my parents is probably one of my most favorite things to do. I…

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Moving On

Moving On

SO THANKFUL that God healed me over night- THANK YOU for your prayers! I woke up fever-free, chill-free, and ache-free! Hallelujah! I feel pretty weak, but I will take that any day! No one else in the house is sick, and we are very grateful. Our God is Healer! I heard back about my ultrasound, and I do have cysts, but they should dissolve on their own in time. I had my 6 week after birth appointment this week (even…

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It Can’t Be…

It Can’t Be…

I’ve been feeling lousy all day. I heard Jase fussing at 6:45am so I went in to check on him. When I got back in bed I just KNEW something wasn’t right with me. All day long I’ve been hoping I’ve just been having a weak day. Chuck even worked from home while Jase napped so I could sleep this afternoon. I woke up still feeling lousy. I had to have an ultrasound today due to pain in my ovary….

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New Reality

New Reality

We sure do miss GG around here. My Dad came down last week to pick up my Mom, and to see us- and by “us” I mean the grandkids. 😉 I just love spending time with my parents. It’s a new experience to watch them love our kids. They get a huge kick out of Jase, and just adore Basye. My Mom is my best friend, so to have her here for the last month was not only a massive…

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Halter Monitor

Halter Monitor

This past Monday-Tuesday I wore a halter monitor for 24 hours. My doctor just wanted to make sure my heart was functioning well, even though it races at times. As suspected, my heart is great! She definitely saw peeks where my heart did race, but not enough to be alarming. Once again, my body is just recovering. Since all my tests have come back with pleasing results, my doctor has encouraged me to push myself even more. (Besides my iron…

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Knocked Me Flat

Knocked Me Flat

Warning: this is a long post. If you prefer only reading our prayer requests, you can scroll to the *** at the end. =) I believe the best way to sum up my doctor’s visit yesterday is to say that the body is a mystery. My life long friend Amber said that to me one time and it’s always stuck with me. She said as much research and information we have about the body these days, there is still so…

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I see a doctor tomorrow. I am both excited and very nervous about the appointment. I am hoping for an encouraging visit, with a positive update. The nervous part of me wonders if something is “seriously” wrong with me. Either way I believe God knows exactly what my body is going through, and that He will heal me. I trust He has our family in his very strong, very loving, very good hands. A friend pointed out to me earlier…

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