A Lot

A Lot

There’s just a lot going on in our home, and with our people right now. I rarely have time to sit at the computer, and even more rarely have time to write a blog. Right now one baby is sleeping, and the other should be sleeping, but she’s content on the couch next to me so I wanted to take this [very small] window of time to process some things. I have to leave to take one babe to the…

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Several weeks ago, a friend from VA asked us if we minded if she set up a GoFundMe account for our family. She also has two children close together in age, and her husband had saved up money so they could hire a “Mother’s Helper”. Since our friend was really blessed by the help she received, she wanted to provide the same kind of help for us. Chuck and I were both quite floored by this generous idea! We are…

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So Much to Celebrate!

So Much to Celebrate!

Still celebrating today with his left over cone! Hi Friends! I’m sorry to wait a day to write a post. We’ve been having a lot of family time, and catching up with calls and texts. Also, I really try not to be on the computer when Jase is awake. (Who am I kidding? It’s because he grabs it off my lap constantly, or messes with the keys. It’s not because I’m Super Mom, haha!) Anyway, we just want to say…

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The Name of Jesus alone IS POWER! We are THANKING God HE ALONE healed Jase. THANK YOU Jesus. Praise Him. I got the news from Jase’s doctor, and couldn’t help but fall on my face in sobs, and thanks to God. To Him alone be all glory. Thank you Jesus. Thank you. We’re going out for ice cream tonight!

In the Midst

In the Midst

On the outside, the day looks so completely normal. It feels anything but. I’ve got to be honest and say that the waiting is pretty torturous. It’s exhausting because I’m trying to keep myself mentally focused on what is true, and not allow my mind to run ahead to awful extremes. When that happens, and believe me, it does, I have some disciplines I’ve been practicing to keep my mind PURE. I know someone else out there must be struggling…

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We did not get the news we wanted to hear today. Jase is at a high risk of getting very sick if he gets an infection right now. More blood work on Monday. We are begging Jehovah Rophi- God who Heals- to heal our son. Wouldn’t it be amazing to shock the doctors with PERFECT blood tests on Monday because our God HEALS?! Please please pray. All glory to Him.

Pray for NORMAL!

Pray for NORMAL!

***If you prefer not to read this whole post, our main prayer request is in bold at the bottom. THANK YOU for praying! This smile lights up my heart like no other! Tomorrow Jase is having more blood work done. His doctors were concerned about the blood work he had earlier this week, and want to check it again to make sure his levels are moving towards normal. Waiting for results is agonizing. These results could change the course of…

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Where is My Hope?

Where is My Hope?

We’ve been through quite a lot of awful today. I can not process it all. The unknowns feel too much to bear. Every time I put my hope into something like a blood test or urine test we are fed with more questions, and my hope plummets. My faith is being tested by fire, and I don’t know how to handle it. I know as a believer I am not promised a life of ease and constant goodness. I know…

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