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This morning God brought one of my favorite backyard trees to my spirit’s attention. He shared with me how before my big, beautiful tree was even a little seedling, He had me in mind. As this big tree has developed over the last forty years, He always knew it was for me. He created it just to delight me. As I delight in the tree He delights in me, and I delight in Him. As I was thinking about all the…

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Book Club

Book Club

In February of 2021 I read a book by Annie F. Downs called, “That Sounds Fun”. It was a huge motivation for me to start a summer book club- just for June, July, and August of ’21. God led me to a bunch of ladies who were just as interested in reading books together as I was. We’ve had some ladies come and go, but there’s been four of us who have stuck with it for over a solid year…

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More Than Couches

More Than Couches

Since March, God has been leading me to “Look at what is before my eyes” as Jesus did (I have this reference underlined in one of my Bibles, but it’s upstairs so I can’t remember the exact verse. I believe it’s somewhere in the Corinthians. =). This means I look to face each day with my spirit aligned with His spirit, with my eyes off my circumstances. There is much to be thankful for each day, no matter how bleak things may appear.  Even when life…

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Books Galore

Books Galore

This morning I was reaching for something in the drawer of my bedside table, and noticed two books I had started but never finished. (1 fiction, and 1 non-fiction) Then downstairs there are three books I’m reading sitting out on a table next to the couch. Hmmm, that makes FIVE books I have started but not finished! There have been times in my life where I have read hoards of books in 1 week. When my family lived in Iowa,…

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Rain, Rain, Stay, Stay!

Rain, Rain, Stay, Stay!

This rainy afternoon makes me so happy- and not just because we’re sitting around watching the Brady Bunch together. Over the weekend, my sister/brother-in-law gave us 5 baby trees. Chuck planted them across our backyard to eventually create some privacy. We’ve been faithfully watering our little additions to the family, but I think they needed a good, hard rain. I believe there’s something really special about the water in the sky that comes straight from God. I’m also thrilled that…

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Life All Around

Life All Around

We became homeowners for the second time in February of 2020. (A year and three months ago from the day I’m writing this post.) In August of 2017, almost four years ago in PA, we sold the first house we had ever owned. We had searched for the right house for the better part of two years. Our search stopped when it got too close to Basye’s birth, and started back up again when we got our heads ever so…

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A Little Frankenstein-ish

A Little Frankenstein-ish

I hit 39 weeks this past Tuesday. A full-term pregnancy is considered 40 weeks. At my appointment Wednesday, the midwife said they’ll let me go until at least 41 weeks before they’ll do another ultrasound or anything. As I type, I’m even boring myself to tears. Bless any of you who are actually reading this. Last night I went to the chiropractor to have my back adjusted, and she offered to do acupuncture to try and induce labor. It was…

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And I Think to Myself…

And I Think to Myself…

WHAT A WEIRD WORLD! I got a call from my midwife’s office yesterday informing me I am now required to wear a mask to my weekly appointments. Later in the day a friend was dropping off some books so we got to stand in the driveway for awhile and chat. I shared with her my mask-dilema, at which point my neighbor heard me (not hard to overhear conversations when you’re practically yelling at each other trying to have a talk…

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Easter 2020 Shenanigans

Easter 2020 Shenanigans

Hey all! How was your Easter? Our little crew had a fabulous day together. We ended up being able to Zoom with a lot of Chuck’s side of the fam (Did you know he’s 1 of 7 kids? I’ve never actually been with Chuck’s entire family at one time YET. Hopefully that will happen in the near future.), and my side. It’s a lot of fun to “see” everyone and have some form of connecting besides text. The four of…

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The Countdown Begins!

The Countdown Begins!

Hello World! I started a post yesterday, the pictures got complicated, Chuck fixed it for me, and now it’s 24 hours later. What can ya do? Today it has taken me WAY.TOO.LONG. to create our meals menu for the week. This also includes special Easter food. As if I don’t loathe meal planning, cooking, and grocery shopping enough, now I have to explain it all and type up very detailed notes so Chuck can pick up the stuff we need….

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