

I thought today would be a great day to introduce my significant other (Chuck!) to my blog world! Starting at midnight last night, he has made my special day more sweet and wonderful then I ever thought possible!
I woke up this morning and the celebrating only continued! The first image I saw when I opened my bedroom door was this man holding lil baby Chail in his arms! Of course I turned right back around to hide my messy hair, frumpy pj’s and groggy eyes, but alas, he didn’t mind after all!
Luke ‘n Trisha gave me a darling present and card, hugs all around and they were off to school. After getting the baby dressed for the day the three of us headed downstairs, only to encounter a half a dozen pink and yellow roses, a card, beautifully wrapped present, and homemade breakfast, all for me! I was stunned! Just stunned!
I could write more, but I don’t want to appear sappy and annoying (OK, I know I am, but I just can’t help it people!). I am just so honored and humbled to be in a relationship with this man that I can’t help but gush and share about him with you!
THANK YOU to YOU my fabulous boyfriend!
And THANK YOU to all of you who have written sweet Facebook notes, texts, cards, and calls! It all means so much to me!
I am a VERY BLESSED woman!

9 thoughts on “Happy…

  1. beNOW I see why you think you might be dreaming! What a dreamy day already, and it’s only 1/2 over! I’m so happy for you!!!!! You do love your breakfast, and how sweet to be able to start your day off together that way, sharing your favorite meal of the day 🙂 Can’t wait to hear more about it. I’ll call you!!

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