Welcome to Friday Night Dance at Glen Echo Park! It is a whole other world here, so be prepared to leap out of the box. And I mean leap.
So last Friday Chuck and I decided that we would finally go dancing somewhere. We had been talking about it for well over a year and it was time to just do it. Sometime during the course of the day Chuck told me he found the perfect place to go and that he was so excited. He sent me the link above and I have to admit I didn’t share his same enthusiasm.
For those of you who don’t know this husband of mine very well, let me enlighten you. He loves trying new things! He is one crazy kid who will do almost anything and everything. He actually does not like staying in any type of box that he may ever be placed in. It has been suggested to him that a person should try something completely new once a month to have a broader range of experiences and conversation pieces. He loves this idea!
As for me, oh how I love my comfortable box. I do not like change, I get scared to start new things, and am quite satisfied with my life experiences already, thank you very much. This is just one of the many reasons why Chuck is such an incredible fit for me.
Back to last Friday. We arrive right on time for the beginner Contra Dance lessons. Ahead of me I see a girl wearing a darling pink dress and perfectly matched dance shoes. I, of course, was wearing my jeans and brown winter Mary Janes. I am feeling quite nervous and out of place. Thankfully the lady at the table gave us buttons to wear that proclaim to all it’s our first night so watch out!
As our lesson begins I look around the circle of people and realize that we fit right in. A wide variety of people, outfits, ages, and races surrounded us. For the next 45 minutes we learn all the baby basics of the dance that is the Contra. Before we knew it, Chuck and I were “dosey doeing”, “bounce and swinging”, “connecting four”, and so on. Huge grins were plastered across our faces as we practiced our new moves.
Once the “real” dance started, the heat really began to pick up. It was time to start dancing in huge lines like we were in a Jane Austin film. Off we went spinning, bouncing, stepping, and stomping trying desperately to figure out what the heck was going on. The thing with Contra Dancing is that you end up dancing with tons of other partners and holding tons of other hands. Watch out for those hard core Contras. They’ll spin you so fast into the next step your head will spin. Trust me, it happened.
Chuck and I had a blast! A complete blast! We danced and spun the night away leaving with grimy fingers, sweaty bodies, blistered feet and full souls. We’re going back and we can’t wait! (Oh, and yes, men wore skirts.)
5 thoughts on “Contra”
Thats so much fun! I wanna go! you should take Tommy & me.. if I could EVER drag him to go dancing!
How FUN!!!!
haha, great post Abby! unfortunately, none of our pics were taken when people were dancing. hopefully next time. also, you didn't mention that there was no A/C in the Spanish Ballroom, so we were drenched by the end of the night.
this is sooo great!! Craig and I keep talking about taking dance lessons just for fun!!
A little bit late this time reading your blog…this contra dancing sounds like so much fun! Were there people there our age too?