Happy Blog Anniversary!

Happy Blog Anniversary!

Happy Four Year Anniversary of what, you may wonder?  Well today, dear readers, is the four year anniversary of this very blog. 

I honestly can not recall how I heard about blogs or how I knew to create one.  I knew I loved to write and that was all I needed to know.  I remember trying so many blog titles and so many of my ideas where already taken. I was sitting at my little kitchen table in my very first apartment in MN.  It was late at night but I found myself with not a lot to do at the time.  From somewhere the idea of “Full of Joy” came into existence and it has helped shaped my view of God and my life ever since.

The funny thing about the day I started my blog is that my friend Tara started her blog on the very same day!  We didn’t plan that, in fact, we both kept it a secret.  It was hilarious when we both confessed we had started blogs!

This has been an outlet for me to express my thoughts far and wide.  It has been a place to share my fears, my adventures, my outlook on life, and many cries for prayer.  Of all the things that have taken place in my life in the last four years, it’s hard to fathom being where I am today.  I’m so thankful to God for that.  It truly has been a journey full of JOY

I’m always amazed when someone leaves a comment and somehow connects with what I wrote.  I’m honored that someone would take the time to read my thoughts and respond.  So thank you to those of you who have followed me from the beginning, and to those of you who check in once in awhile, and to those of you who faithfully read and leave comments, and to those of you who secretly read and never leave comments.  😉  It means so much to me to share my passion for writing in this blog world and to have such faithful blog friends!

Lastly, thank you to my dear husband who has so thoughtfully pointed out this special day and created a pretty graphic to celebrate my love for writing!

9 thoughts on “Happy Blog Anniversary!

  1. congrats! all I can say is that I'm thankful for your blog. it was very helpful when we first met, cuz I was able to study up a little on your past. 😉

  2. wow, hate to say it but have been slacking on checking in on your blog. but with that, happy blogiversary! your blog has always given me that little extra insight that i need to know what's happening with you when distance keeps us apart or the busyness of the world gets in the way. love you!

  3. Hi Abby, I'm probably one of those "secret readers" who rarely leave comments =) But I check in every now and then. You are an awesome writer!! Keep it up!

  4. Happy Anniversary! :3 I think, it's quite cruel, that i just found you, and like the first sentence hooked me up, and i think i will be following you from this now on! :33
    i have started blogging just awhile ago, but basicly i'm writing in finnish now, but i'm thinking to write in english too. 🙂 so when i'm writing in english, please check my blog too, but yeah, waiting for new text already! :)) keep up the good work! :3

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