New News

New News

As Chuck and I’s one year anniversary approaches (20 days!) this month there have been some significant changes going on.  Before our wedding, we chose to take a year off from full-time youth ministry.  As we sought wisdom and counsel from others we were really excited to spend our first year focusing on our marriage and each other.  Chuck agreed to a verbal contract with IBM for one year.  We joined a church just a couple miles down the road from our apartment (Reston Bible Church) and began volunteering with the youth group there.

We desired to serve God in our church for the year and believed He would lead us to full-time ministry come summer time.  We began the process of searching for churches in need of a youth Pastor.  It was incredibly encouraging to be in contact with several wonderful church bodies.  Deep down inside though, Chuck and I both truly desired to stay at our current church that we know and love.  As we talked with RBC’s youth Pastor, his desire was to be able to hire us on staff as well.  Thus began the process of interviews and meetings.  In the meantime, Chuck was unexpectedly laid off from IBM.  He had less than 2 weeks until his last day.  I had to laugh as this was such a clear sign from God that we were headed in the right direction.

Chuck’s last day at IBM was a Friday and by God’s great provision, his first day at Reston Bible Church was the very next Monday.  He was hired as the Sr. High Youth Pastoral Intern.  We are floored with excitement because all the things we desired in a youth ministry, God has given us through RBC.  Chuck will be working with a youth team, as well as being mentored by the youth Pastor.  RBC will also be working with Chuck to eventually become ordained, which has been a great desire for Chuck.  We are excited to be apart of this youth ministry, hopefully for many years.

Some of you know that we were looking for a new apartment to be closer to our church building once they move locations (from Reston to Sterling), but we’ve decided to stay in the apartment right where we are.  We couldn’t be happier about this! 

Thanks to those of you who have prayed for us!  We can’t wait to share with you all that God does in and through us in our new role!

One thought on “New News

  1. I am so excited for you both about this!! I hope it's going well, you've been in my prayers! I always love hearing how God fits all the pieces together!

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