How Great You Are

How Great You Are

I was able to get out of the house the other day, and as I was driving home Carrie Underwood’s version of, “How Great Thou Art” came on the radio.  As the years have gone by, this hymn most consistently brings me to tears.  I absolutely love the line that says, “And when I think of God his son not sparing, sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in.  That on the cross MY burden gladly baring, He bled and died to take away MY sin.” Even at I sit here and write, the song is playing and I am practically bawling.  There are definitely a flow of tears.  Christ gladly carried my burdens, and He took away my sin!  How can I not just weep with thanksgiving?  

This morning I read a verse in a different version than what I’m used to.    It really stunned me:  “When you were spiritually dead because of your sins and because you were not free from the power of your sinful self, GOD MADE YOU ALIVE WITH CHRIST, and he forgave ALL our sins.  He CANCELED the debt, which listed all the rules we fail to follow.  He took away that record with its rules and NAILED it to the cross.”  Colossians 2:13-14  Christ took all the rules I think in my head I’m “supposed” to follow and nailed them to the cross.  He gave me freedom from rules!  So often I live by rules, without meaning to, and end up once again trying to earn God’s favor.  But that’s a waste!  Because God LOVES me, and made me ALIVE with Christ.  He forgave all my sin.  All.  Heading into this Easter weekend, the depth of what Christ has done is hitting me in a new way.  

I can truly sing the end of the amazing hymn and mean it.  “When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation, and lead me HOME, what JOY shall fill my heart!  Then I shall bow with humble adoration and then proclaim, ‘My GOD HOW GREAT THOU ART!”  There will be no shame, no guilt, no fear, no cruelty.  Just freedom, and joy in my heart because I’ll finally be home with my loving Savior Jesus Christ.  

Happy Easter friends!  I’m already celebrating!

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