Heavy Heart

Heavy Heart

This morning my heart is heavy for several friends in my life who are suffering.  A heavy heart leads me to pray, and I know prayer is the main way I can minister to these hurting women.

I also have a heavy heart because Chuck and I experienced a really intense, emotional battle with some people recently.  I still feel upset and gross inside over some of the interactions.  Though forgiveness from all sides has taken place, I still have a million thoughts rolling around in my heart.  It’s nice when one battle is over, but the war continues to rage, ya know?  And even when forgiveness has happened over hurts, the scabs are still fresh and the scars will always be there.  I asked Chuck the other night in bed, “Why is life so hard?”  I didn’t want an answer then, and I don’t need an answer now.

The great apostle Paul has said it best, I believe.  Three things remain:  faith, hope, and love.  Faith:  one step at a time.  Hope:  life on earth is temporary.  Love:  Jesus, oh but we have Jesus.

2 thoughts on “Heavy Heart

  1. Your blogspot is sweet – and this post, well, I can totally identify with it. There is no other balm for a heavy heart . . . and those lingering feelings . . . nothing but JESUS – He is our only hope to get through each day. Take the whole world, but give me Jesus!

    RETA @ http://evenhaazer.blogspot.com

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