How SWEET is this note?! Just about the sweetest thing ever. The staff here is too wonderful!
My blood tests came back and my numbers went up! Praising the Lord! The blood count for an average person should be between 12-14. I am at a 7.8. That’s still not good, but we are thanking God for the slooooooow increase. It shows I don’t have internal bleeding. Always a great thing!
There are many factors going on with me physically. Basically it’s my low blood count which is causing a bunch of issues (racing heart, weakness, faintness, fatigue, shivering, shortness of breath, etc.) combined with the flu virus. All in all I have a long recovery ahead of me, but today I am counting my blessings. The numbers went up and we’re closer to going home all together as a family!
Thank you for your continued prayers for all of us. We just LOVE your messages, texts, emails, voicemails, and love!
4 thoughts on “Up!”
Our small group was praying for you, Chuck, Jase, and Bayse tonight. God bless and comfort you!
Great update! We will continue to pray for you and your family.
Glad that you're on your way to recovery! I love the nurses at York Hospital. Glad that they are helping you through this tough time!
Awe so sweet! But not as sweet as that lil face on that little girl! She is just darling!!!! Just like Jase, I can't get over how CUTE she is! You truly are blessed! Can't wait to hear you are headed home as a family! We will bring you a meal one of these days….will coordinate with Chuck. Continue to rest and get stronger! Love and hugs!