His Eyes Set Free
I can imagine all of Heaven rejoicing when a miracle happens on earth. Miracles are happening every day- even in our family this week! We have another story (the Word of our testimony, Rev. 12:11) of God’s healing taking place.
When my oldest daughter, Basye, was one year old she got her first pair of glasses. For the previous 18 months she had been wearing a helmet for 23 hours a day. The day after she was cleared from wearing her helmet, we were told she needed eye surgery and glasses. 8 months later, her big brother started showing signs he needed glasses, too. Jase got his first pair of glasses on Valentines Day of 2017. He was three years old.

For the last 7 years we have prayed healing over both Basye and Jase’s eyes. Two different times, our pediatrician suggested our youngest daughter, Tatum needed glasses, too. We stood in faith, refusing to believe the words spoken over her. We asked friends to stand with us in faith and prayer, as well. She has seen an ophthalmologist twice, and has completely healthy eyes!
It can be challenging to stand against what a “health professional” claims over our kids, but we have been learning along the way to reject negative health declarations spoken over us or our kids. Because Jesus died for us, His blood already paid for our salvation. As believers in Jesus, sozo/salvation means we are not only saved from Hell, but we are healed, whole, delivered, set free! Even when symptoms of sickness are coming against us- Jesus says we are sozo: saved, healed, whole, delivered, set free. Not sick. Not vision impaired.
Chuck and I are passionate about speaking life, not speaking death. (Proverbs 18:21) It can be as simple as changing our perspective from “I have a cold” to “Cold symptoms are coming against me”. We’re not going to claim the cold, but claim our sozo: saved, healed, whole, delivered, set free. Not sick.
On Monday, Jase and Basye had their yearly ophthalmologist appointment. At last year’s appointment, Dr. Carter (our amazing doctor!) spoke LIFE over Jase and said, “Maybe next year you won’t have to wear glasses anymore.” In faith, Jase received that as true and believed all year he would be done with glasses. We continued to pray in faith that God would heal both of our kid’s eyes. I have to be honest, I was a little nervous heading into their appointment. I refused to tell Jase, “Just so you know, you might not be healed.” It’s not my job to try to shelter him from disappointment, it’s my responsibility to speak LIFE over him. Still, I was nervous he would be disappointed.
At the end of Jase’s exam, I saw Dr. Carter write out on RX for Jase. My heart dropped as I realized he would still need glasses. To my bewilderment, he handed me the RX and said something like, “Jase can wear glasses if he wants to, but really he doesn’t need them anymore.” It didn’t sink in right away. I wanted to celebrate and cheer, but I also knew Basye was in the room and still very much needed her glasses. I asked my slew of Mom questions, the kids all picked a prize, and we headed out. I was in awe of God. I still am. After 6 ½ years of only ever seeing Jase in glasses, he was set free. Exactly one week before his 10th birthday, His eyes were healed! God performed a miracle!
We have prayed over Jase- thanking and praising God for this amazing miracle in his life. Jase’s name means “Healer” and I find it astounding how often God has healed our boy. He has been healed so he can be a conduit to speak LIFE and sozo (saved, healed, whole, delivered, set free!) over other people. Including his sister. You better believe we are pressing in and standing in faith for Basye’s eyes to be set free, as well.
7 thoughts on “His Eyes Set Free”
Yay God! I agree! Thanks for writing this up Babe!
Thanks for being my most faithful reader! 😉
Praise Jesus for His healing powers ! I will be praying for Basye eyes to be healed. Thank your u for you ur beautiful words of praise and encouragement.
Thank you so much, Diana! =)
Woohoo!! Go God!!
Yessss!! =)
Praising God with you!