RV Dream
Do you ever have a seemingly silly dream? Years ago our kids started talking about RV campers. The kind where they could “run around while Papa drives”. One of my favorite shows of all time is Frasier. There are a couple episodes where Martin- the Dad of the main character, Frasier, gets a Winnebago. He calls it the Road Warrior= RDWRER on the license plate. That show makes me laugh out loud so hard! Anybody else?
Recently our dear friends purchased a camper, and my dreams clicked into overdrive. I think seeing it as a reality for my actual, real-life friends made me think of the possibility of it happening for our family. Now don’t get me wrong, I have absolutely no desire for camping or the outdoors. The problem is Chuck and the kids are all so crazy about the idea of camping together. I just can’t get myself to do the tent thing. This is why it’s our big “silly” Family Dream to have an RV. We can all go “camping” together, while Mama spends her days “indoors” if we had one.
The thing is, this really is not a silly dream. I believe God: AKA Abba (Father in Hebrew) or Big Papa (as my new friend likes to say!) has tucked this dream away in all of our hearts. It’s a dream that unites us- we are all equally excited about it. It’s something special that would work for our whole family, even though their ages range from 9 down to 3. It promotes us being together, doing something we love, which is always God’s idea. Plus since it appears so random and quirky- that is a true sign of an Abba Dream! The one thing that seems to most often stand in the way of dreams coming true is money, right? I like to take money out of the equation. Big Papa certainly is never limited by anything, certainly not money.
We had dinner with friends last night, and they also happened to mention they had an RV, and had gone on trips as a family in it. It was like God was whispering to my heart, “See? More real friends of yours have an RV. Keep dreaming!” Then today while Chuck and I were driving, we saw two more RV’s.
I’m going to keep asking, keep believing, and keep dreaming of the day we get to see this surprise from God play out.
Do you have a “silly” dream? 😉 What’s that dream building inside of you bubbling over that you know can only be fulfilled by our Big Papa? Maybe you haven’t told anyone, but speak it out loud. Your words carry life!
4 thoughts on “RV Dream”
This is soo good abigail! No dream from God is too silly for him ever!! Keep dreaming in the Lord. He recently gave us a word that to us is something we think can never happen but we have to believe that he holds it all even though it seems impossible to us.
Ohhhh that’s so cool! Now I am super curious what His Word to you was?!!
YES!!!!! Dream BIG!!!!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🔥🔥
Someday we can all RV down to Disney World together- your favorite place, hahaha!!