A Little Frankenstein-ish
39 Weeks, Jase (6) My two baby girls, Basye (5) Acupuncture
I hit 39 weeks this past Tuesday. A full-term pregnancy is considered 40 weeks. At my appointment Wednesday, the midwife said they’ll let me go until at least 41 weeks before they’ll do another ultrasound or anything. As I type, I’m even boring myself to tears. Bless any of you who are actually reading this.
Last night I went to the chiropractor to have my back adjusted, and she offered to do acupuncture to try and induce labor. It was so great for me mentally because it made me feel like I was actually doing something besides waiting around. On Monday (IF nothing has happened by then), I will go back so she can add electricity to the acupuncture. I know it looks super creepy, but it’s really not bad.
Our big excitement for the weekend has been joining Disney Plus for the FREE week! Tonight we will finally watch Frozen 2 with the kids, then later Chuck and I will check out the new Lion King. We enjoyed Aladdin last night with Will Smith. Oh my goodness, this post is terribly boring. But you know what, I’m gonna hit publish anyway! It’ll be a good representation of a monumental piece of history from our 2020 quarantine.