A Lotta Good Mixed In
Just like all of you, our life has changed significantly in the last five days. We found out two days ago Jase will not be returning to school for the remainder of his Kindergarten year. When I heard our Governor announce it live, tears sprang to my eyes. (You know that pain you get in your throat when you’re trying not to cry?) Jase’s massive smile on his first day of school keeps replaying in my mind. Thinking about his new school shoes, his new backpack, his new dinosaur shirt, and his toothless grin the weeks leading up to starting KG just stab at my heart. He was SO excited about going to school for SO long.
This is the same day I found out I was pregnant!
For months leading up to him beginning, I asked God to bless Jase with a life-giving teacher, and life-giving friends. God abundantly blessed, because our guy adored his teacher, and adored his class. Anytime he had to miss school, he would get terribly upset. Even during vacation days, Jase still wished he was in school. I thank God he had such an incredible KG experience. It still breaks my heart it all came screeching to a halt, and ended in such a shocking way.
Before Chuck and I shared the news with Jase, Chuck prayed while I cried. Having him experience school has been one of the best things that has ever happened to him, and I’m not exaggerating that in the slightest. He absolutely thrived. It upset me so much to have to tell him that heart-breaking news.
Thankfully, I took it worse than Jase. I think he’s still processing it all, and comes out with questions from time-to-time as it all sinks in. I hope someday his class and teacher will have a little party or gathering of some sort so he can see those sweet kids again all together in one place.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, I absolutely love having both of my kids home with me all the time. Being an introvert, and a home-body has been a great gift during this time. (Can anyone else relate?) It’s such a blessing for us to be all together, especially as we are just weeks away from the major upheaval a newborn baby sister will bring to our life. I see this time as a gift.
The kids and I have been enjoying reading through, “The Jesus Story Bible”, playing countless rounds of Sorry, Uno, Candyland (Ok, that one is super boring!), Crazy Eight’s, and Go Fish. We like watching Mr. Jon and Friends every day on Facebook Live, listening to the teachers from Jase’s school read through a chapter in a book every day on Facebook Live, and also do “homework” from a suggested website. But mostly the kids have been playing their little hearts out. They’ve been imagining all sorts of scenarios, making forts, having sleepovers, playing in the trees outback or on the playground (THANK GOD He provided that for us just a couple months ago!), and don’t be fooled- there’s been plenty of fighting. 😉
I’m loving it all! The old nesting instincts have been kicking in big time, which has included organizing every inch of our home, washing tiny baby blankets, socks, and clothes, and even putting her new sheet on her crib mattress. We have less than 5 weeks (or more?!) to go until her big debut.
Well, look at that. Two blog posts in less than a week. =)
**Update, my technical support crew (Chuck!) saved the day by adding pictures!
Blessings and love to you today!
2 thoughts on “A Lotta Good Mixed In”
Hi Abigail, That’s a beautiful blog! I can tell how much you love being a wife and a mama. Congratulations on the soon to be born new baby girl ! It’s so exciting. I’ll be praying for all of you. In this difficult and unprecedented time I keep reminding myself that God is still in his throne, He reigns and He is in control. I’ll be praying for all of you.
Say hi to Chuck and the beautiful kiddos. We love your family and still miss you. ❤️
Thank you so much Brenda! Blessings on your whole family- we miss you all. You are so right: God reigns on His throne.