The Biggest YES of Her Life
I’m thrilled to introduce you to my great friend, Tara Chapman! She’s been married to a basketball coach for 17 years, and they have two teenagers. When she’s not working on the house or blogging about the house (Pennies From Heaven Home), you can find her reading, watching TV, taking walks through the village, or driving the kids to endless games and practices. Oh and there’s probably way too much time spent looking at houses on Instagram! I know you will love her post today!
Today I am thankful for the biggest YES of my life.
When Abigail asked me to write a post for her #thankfultoday Series, I decided to jump out of my comfort zone and go for it. You see, I blog too, but I provide mostly visual content. When I hit publish, it’s lots of light and bright photos of our family home. But I said yes because our home is what I’m so thankful for today.
Let me start by explaining that one of my favorite things is looking at home exteriors and interiors. I come by this honestly because I grew up listening to my mom talk about visiting this open house or that one, just to see the inside. She liked saving her pennies to buy a new couch, loved design trends, and was always tweaking and changing the look of things in our house. It took me a while to figure out that I share her passion, but when it hit, it hit hard!
For an entire decade, I dreamed of a certain kind of house; one that I was excited about living in. Now, don’t get me wrong…I have been extremely thankful for our past homes. Each one served a purpose and fit right in line with where we were in life. But because I love houses so much, I dreamed of a house with character; one that would make me smile every single day. Not a big house because I don’t care about size. But a house that had a little “something.”
For so many years, God clearly said no, not now. As time went on, I got really used to hearing those no’s. Sometimes I was good with it, and sometimes I would get impatient, but there were lessons learned along the way, and some growth.
Then finally, last summer, God said YES!
He said yes to a 93-year-old house with a window seat, an old fashioned pantry, French doors, an original wood staircase, and a big front porch! This house had MORE than a little something! This house was full to the brim with character!
{There is a whole crazy story that goes with how we ended up in this house, and if you’re interested you can find it here on my blog.}
God in no way had to say yes to this home, and I know I’m not entitled to it. But He loves us, and knows the desires of our hearts, and He gave this gift. He 100% made it happen. One thing that was really nailed home for me during this process, is that God’s timing is perfect. This is something I’ve heard my entire life, but to truly experience it in such detail, and on such a massive scale, is something I’ll never forget. He knew that our kids would need the new schools they’re attending now. He knew that our current years would need the simplicity of going to church and school and living life, all in the same little town, instead of spread out all over the city. He knew that my gifts and abilities would be better honed by now, to take on the massive project of updating and DIY-ing this house, and that those gifts would lead to new business opportunities that involve this house.
And He knew, that after years of waiting, that I would not for one second take this very quirky old home for granted.
So that’s what I’m thankful for today. I’m thankful for the biggest YES of my life! What is the biggest YES of your life?