Nothing Like Old Friends
It’s been a lot of fun to make friends in our new town, but there is nothing like the comfort of old friends (and by old, I mean long-time, we are nowhere near old ;). This past weekend, our dear friends the Rufles came to visit! They are the first friends to visit us from our old home, and we are so grateful they came!
Even though we had quite a cold, rainy Saturday- we didn’t let that get us down. All the boys were able to play outside for a little bit, and were even content to romp around the garage. Our time together was filled with tons of talking, lots of eating, a Starbucks run (HELLO HOLIDAY DRINKS!), a scare from an alpaca (see picture), a couple rousing rounds of The Bowl Game, and ohhhhh the laughter! I laughed so hard I cried! I laughed so hard multiple parts of my body hurt all at once- a glorious feeling! That’s how you know when you have true friends.
Today I am thankful for dear old friends.
What are YOU thankful for today? #thankfultoday
6 thoughts on “Nothing Like Old Friends”
I think I’m right there with you. I love all my friends, new and old. But the ones you can laugh until you cry with are just such blessings. 💚💚💜💜
You are right, Bethany- they are wonderful blessings, for sure!
Glad you had such a good time. 😄 Sounds like fun.
Thank you Maria! We were blessed to have them visit!
I love this!! I loved that you laughed till it hurt! It makes me so happy! I love good friends and am truly thankful for all the dear friends God has blessed me with!
I look forward to the next time we cackle til we hurt! =)