How God is Revealed in Simplicity
I have known Lisa Beavers since the 6th grade. Somehow we didn’t become friends until we were in our twenties! We have more than made up for lost time in our dear friendship. Lisa is wife of Eric (who pastors a church in Raleigh NC and also makes a mean latte), stay-at-home mom (or full time activities director) of Lincoln (5) and Caroline (3), worship leader, avid library visitor, book club member and caretaker of 6 chickens who give eggs for her daily morning omelets! Thrilled to share her post with you today!
“Dear God, Thank you for pink! Amen.”
This was the bedtime prayer of my just-turned-three-year-old daughter, Caroline the other night. After I regained myself into a solid state from being melted into a puddle, I kept thinking of how beautifully simple her prayer was. How childlike. Yet here I was, a grown woman, being challenged and inspired by it.
She truly sees God as the Maker and Originator of every good and perfect gift in her world (and it doesn’t get much more perfect than pink for this 3 year old girl!). She knows even her favorite color came from God the Creator, and He is the One to give thanks to for it. She didn’t hesitate one millisecond when she offered up this prayer. She didn’t feel like it was small or silly or that it might not matter to the heart of the Creator, her Heavenly Father listening to her prayers. No. She confidently proclaimed her joy in what He created, and was not shy to tell Him so! We know His heart rejoiced to hear her prayer! Oh may I have that unedited simple kind of faith where I see even the smallest blessings of my day while offering up a prayer of thanks for it.
Then there was the moment with my every-bit-of-5 year-old-son, Lincoln. It was a perfect fall day where the wind had stirred up the trees to release this confetti swirl of color into our yard, and it took our breath away it was so exhilarating. We spoke together of how God shows us His creativity and beauty in nature, and how He uses His creation to show us how much He loves us. As the leaves floated down, we laughed as we zig-zagged around the yard trying to catch one here or there before it touched the ground. Lincoln yelled out in triumph, grasping a leaf in his hand, “Mama! I caught some of His LOVE!”
I was made dizzy by the weight of his proclamation. I will never be able to look at a shower of autumn leaves the same way ever again. I will now ALWAYS see each leaf as a love letter, fluttering down, proclaiming the presence of my Savior, the Creator of the beautiful world around me and the lover of my soul!
Today I am oh-so-thankful for the privilege and joy of getting to spend my days seeing the world and faith and God through the eyes of my 5 year old son and 3 year old daughter. What about YOU?
2 thoughts on “How God is Revealed in Simplicity”
I am grateful today for the 3 little miracles he has entrusted me with to raise up in His name. Matthew and I are first generation Christians in our families, and we are already seeing the fruits of our efforts. I love that each and every one of them (even my 18 month old) knows how to say amen because I pray often with them. They bring me so much joy, and I’m just so thankful for them.
You sure do have 3 sweet and beautiful blessings!