Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
Good Morning Everybody! Happy Friday!
Girls, what a blessing your beautiful comments have been! What a JOY to read about the things that bring YOU joy! The Father shares His love with us in the most intricate ways. You will be encouraged if you go back and read some of the comments, too.
So, here we go. When doing a Give Away, I like to write names on tiny scraps of paper and draw one- the good ‘ol fashion way. Our winner this time around is my sweet friend, Mrs. Elizabeth Wagner! So excited for you, B! Her husband has been deployed for the last 8 months, faithfully serving our country. She has selflessly cared for her boys all by herself, and the joy of the Lord has been her strength. It’s been incredible to watch the Spirit’s presence in her life through this time. Girl, I’m so thrilled to be sending you some caffeine!! I know you need it! Congratulations, and thank you so much for reading the blog and for sharing with others. I love you!
Please don’t be sad if you didn’t win, there’s a gift for you, too! Here is an interesting Podcast I’ve had the honorĀ of being apart of. The topic is, “Measuring Success- Butts, Buildings, and Budgets?”. In this week’s episode, a lifelong friend, Gretchen Miller shares her perspective on what success in the church means to her. Tom Cruise may or may not be discussed. It was a lot of fun to share in the discussion with Gretchen, and several others. This week’s episode can be found here, or look up Consumed Ministries on the Podcast app. I hope you find it to be a thought-provoking, encouraging episode! Enjoy, my friends!
2 thoughts on “Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!”
Ok, I procrastinated and never entered! Glad Elizabeth won. Sounds like she could use the caffeine!
Awww, sorry you missed out! There will be more give aways!