You Are There & You Are Light
For the months of September and October, the arts ministry I’m involved with (Infused Arts) had a huge exhibit at our church. 37 visual artists and writers combined to work for six months on our individual projects wrapped around the theme of the names of God. All kinds of artists came together to collaborate, share ideas, give and receive inspiration, and most importantly, seek the Spirit. We had some powerful times of worship, prayer, encouragement, and laughter as we studied and read about the hundreds of different names of our God! Artists tend to work alone, but something amazing happened when we came together once a month to share in the love of Jesus, and create for Him.
This week I am sharing the personal Psalm the Spirit put in my heart for the exhibit. It wasn’t the style of writing I usually do. It wasn’t my original plan. That’s why I know it’s His. If you find yourself in a place desiring to connect with Jesus in a fresh way, try writing a Psalm in your own words. Make it personal. Having a relationship with Jesus is the most personal relationship we can ever know. That’s one difference between the one true God, and any other god on this planet. Someone out there today needs to hear this.
Jesus knows you. He is There.
photo credit: deAnn Roe; left painting: Molly Puz; right booklet: where my piece was printed
terror over another seizure, you are there.
are there.
my child, you are there.
“Even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will
shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.”
A Personal Reflection
When the perfect song comes on the radio the second I turn
on the car, you are light.
you are light.
before one of them came to be.”