Chuck took the high school students on a retreat last weekend. Since I’m the biggest chicken on the planet when it comes to staying home alone at night, and taking care of two babies alone all weekend sounded way too overwhelming, Chuck drove the babies and me up to my parent’s for a few days. There were many special moments while I was there- as always. Visiting my parents is probably one of my most favorite things to do. I am always refreshed, renewed, and revived while I am there.
Jase and I were both able to get hair cuts. He is TERRIFIED of getting his hair cut (I believe it stems from his last experience at the doctor when he got 5 shots AND blood work- awful.) But my Mom gave him her phone and he was eventually distracted by videos of himself. 😉 I got to introduce Basye to Sharon (my hair dresser/mentor) for the first time- I’m upset that I didn’t get a picture of them together. Sharon has been doing my hair since I was in middle school! She even did my hair for my wedding. Every time I sit in her chair, it’s pretty much guaranteed Jesus will speak directly to my heart through Sharon. This time was no exception. I really want to write a post about some things that started to take shape in my heart while we talked, but time for deep reflection and writing isn’t exactly part of my life right now. Ha!
Visiting my parents means I usually get to see two of my best friends, too. Thanks to my Mom, I had a lot of baby-free time. Amber and I went to Panera, then she joined me back at the house for dinner. She stayed with me all evening and was a huge help with the babies! It’s crazy how chaotic things get around dinner and bed time.The next day Katie joined the party and we all lived it up at Starbucks. I can’t thank my Mom (and Dad!) enough for allowing me the chance to get out with the girls. It was my first social outing since Basye was born. I even got to attend a church service for the first time since Christmas. Since I was actually dressed and ready, I FINALLY got my picture taken with both babes. Sadly, we have yet to get a picture taken with all four of us!!
Thank you to my selfless husband for driving us up and back! Thank you to my wonderful parents for taking care of me and my kids! Thank you Jesus for the sweetest blessings in the exact ways I needed them. Grateful.
It’s amazing what a difference mascara makes- I look so weird here without it. But I sure do love these beautiful ladies. |
Not so sure about this. |
Too cute in this apron- melts my heart. |
Hard to get a picture with everyone looking without moving. |
Check out the drool, haha! |
My heart. |
4 thoughts on “Mama & Babies”
sweet babies! You can totally tell they're siblings 🙂
I love this! So glad to got a chance to get out on your own!
So precious! Love hearing about your ups and downs with these two very special kiddos! So glad you got some adult social time too! 🙂