Photo Magic
A very sweet and generous friend gave us the gift of a maternity photo shoot. I think I’ve mentioned my “Wish List for God”, and having a maternity photo shoot was on that list. It was a deep desire of mine to be able to frame an intimate picture of Baby Girl and I while I was pregnant with her (to hang in her nursery). If not for this fabulous gift, we would not have had these special moments captured. In one of Jase’s little Christmas books I read to him this morning, it lists a definition of blessing: “a good gift from God”. Perfect way to define this photo shoot! On a side note: I love having books to read to Jase that teach about the goodness of God already.
Leigh Grames was an absolute gem to work with! You can check out her beautiful website here: http://leighgphotography.com (SPECIAL OFFER FOR A PHOTO SHOOT WITH LEIGH AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST!) She made me feel so comfortable, which I find very important. There is something about a pregnant tummy that feels very personal, and she captured that essence exactly how I would have wanted. She also paid very close attention to details like the look on my face, my bangs constantly flying around, the odd way the bow on my sweater sometimes fell, and the wrinkles in my sweater that made me look puffy.
The only downside of the shoot was that Jase wasn’t too thrilled about it. He is SUCH a smiley boy, but there is something about the official photo shoot that turns him into a different little guy. I think it’s because he loves to run free at all times, and being in a still photo is not his style. The sad thing is, when we got home he felt hot to me, and I realized he had a fever! I felt terrible for trying to make him be happy in a photo shoot when he was miserable with fever. Regardless, he still looks so handsome to me. My heart beats for these two men of mine! And it also beats in a special way for this little girl of mine. Blessed.
Chuck really likes the picture on the right because of the unique barn door at the top. We think it was used for hay bailing at one point. We love a rustic barn.
Our growing little family! Plus, the tenderness I feel towards our growing baby girl is so obvious in the one on the right.
The sweetest baby boy I have ever known. Can you spot the mini-marshmallow bribes in his mouth? 😉
***Leigh Grames has graciously offered a special deal for any of you local blog readers. If you book a photography session with her before March of 2015, and use the promo code: Full of Joy, she will give you a $35 credit. She does far more than maternity shoots, so check her out here ! You can also contact her via email: leighgphoto@gmail.com. We highly recommend her!
Thank you so much for the wonderful afternoon, Leigh! You are a great, great blessing to us.
2 thoughts on “Photo Magic”
LOVE the pictures!
Love these Abigail 🙂 So excited for you to have a girl, it's the sweetest thing ever