

I came out unscathed by the colds the boys (are still) suffering with, BUT ended up with my own virus.  Seems it was created just for me and Baby Girl.  I was attacked on Saturday morning with an awful, AWFUL stomach virus.  I thought for sure I was going to end up in the hospital.  To describe the symptoms in this post would not be very courteous to you readers, so I will spare you.  Thankfully the worst seems to be behind me, I’ve just been weak.  Tonight I am going to try to attend my writer’s group as it’s our last meeting for October. (We meet for a whole month every other month.)  If I make it, it will be my first time out of the house since last Friday when I went grocery shopping.  It’s really cool how God has taken care of me, and our little family during this whole ordeal.

~2 friends brought us meals on 2 different nights
~my in-laws had given us groceries the last time they visited so we were set with food
~Chuck was able to take Monday off  & care for Jase so I could stay in bed
~Baby Girl has continued to kick, squirm, and make her presence known
~I already had on OB appointment scheduled for this week
~Jase has napped like a PRO this week: a morning AND afternoon nap each day
~I have have been able to nap once a day, which helps a lot
~Friends watched Jase for awhile on Saturday while I was super sick so Chuck could work
~One of the friends took really sweet pictures of Jase while watching him & emailed them to me
~I have a great co-leader for our teen small group so she led when I couldn’t attend
~My husband is an amazing care-taker, and an amazing Papa!!!! I could not have survived without his constant help and love.  I’m so thankful!!

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