Did I mention…
I got to go back to the beach in September? And that I went all by myself? Well, I did! The girls on my Mom’s side of the family got together at the Jersey Shore to celebrate my aunt’s 50th birthday (a little late), and as a reunion of sorts. We stayed in such a great place! It was a condo, I think, but big enough that we all slept comfortably. My cousin and I shared a room, just like old times. It was a lot of fun! Us cousins are in the middle with Grandma and Aunt Keren on the ends.
While I was at the beach, Chuck took Jase to VA where my in-laws baby-sat for the week. Chuck was able to take his sabbatical while there, which was really perfect. It was so wonderful to sit and chat with no interruptions. It was also amazing to stay up late, and sleep in till whenever I woke up! We went out to eat a few times, and here is our group picture after brunch one morning. As you can see, it was a gorgeous day, wow!
Thought I’d throw this picture in so those of you from afar can see the size Baby Girl is getting! I think I was about 20-sum weeks here. Also, Happy “50th” Birthday to my Grant Keren! (We call her “Grant” for “Great-Aunt” since she is Jase’s great Aunt. 😉 This was taken at a really fun ice cream place my Aunt Keren had friend connections to. It was styled like a 50’s diner, and was absolutely packed, even though it was the off season. The ice cream was homemade, and amazing.
Lastly, I could not have gone on this trip without my own Mama. She made it financially possible, and it was SUCH a blessing! I wish I looked happier in this picture, because I really was! I blame the cold wind in my face, though it’s rare these days that I am ever cold. It doesn’t get any better then a week next to the sea.
One thought on “Did I mention…”
You look gorgeous! Love that beautiful baby bump!