Happy Birthday Weeda Bon!
Tomorrow my baby turns 1! We have a busy, crazy, and fun several days ahead so I don’t think I’ll have time to write. This picture was taken right after the nurses brought him to our regular room the day he was born. He looks so little, so tiny, so helpless. And he was. He still is, but after only one year, he can do so much on his own. I love looking at his precious face here. And his little hand. It just melts my heart all over again to gaze at his newborn sweetness.
Both of these pictures are of the first time we got to hold our son. What a joyous day! And tomorrow I can not wait to celebrate his one year of life!
Our first family photo. I’m not sure when exactly “Weeda Bon” became Jase’s #1 nickname from me, but it stems from “Little honey bun” (I think!). Now my little bun is courageous, determined, hard-working, sweet, loving, tough, smart, and happy! Here he is most recently- all grown up. 😉
Happy Birthday my sweet baby! Papa and I love you more than you’ll ever know!
3 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Weeda Bon!”
Oh my gosh! He is so handsome and sweet. Happiest first birthday, Jase!
He is so hansom! Hope his birthday celebration is sweet and fun! Happy first birthday little Jase!
Can't believe it's already been a year! Happy 1st mommy birthday to you, too, Abby! 🙂 And yay yay for #2!!