Photo Uploading Session
Since Chuck has today off, we’ve used a good chunk of the morning to sort through our million photos, got them organized on his laptop, and basically just got on the same page. These two pictures are my trial run on the blog. I’m sure when I try to do this while he’s at work, something will go wrong. That’s just how computers and I work. I’m a total pro on the PC, but working on the Mac is really frustrating.
Here are two pictures from a girl’s weekend I went on back in June. Sickness and nausea were at their peak for those couple of days so I didn’t really take many pictures. But, the first picture is the view out of our hotel window. We stayed in Atlantic City one night, and went to the beach the next day. The second picture was taken right when we got into our room.
These friends and I all met in college, and lived together for most of the four years. Since graduation in 2004, we’ve gotten together almost every year. Amanda, all the way on the far left, was my roommate for all four years! She married a British fellow so we try to get together whenever she’s back in the States. We all live in different States all the way from upstate NY, to NC! It’s a really special time when we meet up. It always feels like no time has passed at all.
One thought on “Photo Uploading Session”
haha, a "total pro on the PC"? I didn't realize my wife was a secret Windows guru. 😉