Baby Einstein

Baby Einstein

This is gonna have to be short and sweet, because as usual, I am nauseous.  Thankfully everything I have eaten today has stayed down so far, but that could change at any second.  Scrolling around on the computer, reading emails, or watching a show makes me feel even worse.  Not that I have much time for that anyway- my wild, wild baby keeps me running.  He’s into EVERY thing.  I’m trying to distract him with a Baby Einstein video, but that lasted about 20 seconds.  I have probably told him, “No no” about 50 times in the last 10 minutes.  I kid you not.  He doesn’t seem to be getting it either.  I’m exhausted.  He is SUCH a boy and I’m so entertained by him.

For instance, I just moved him into his jumper swing and he is jumping up and down while swinging in a wide circle.  He has the biggest grin on his face and he just makes me crack up laughing.  What a joy!  I had been telling Chuck that Jase will kiss me when I say, “Kisses for Mama!”  Of course whenever I say, “Watch this!” Jase gives me the brush off.  But last night, Chuck FINALLY got to see Jase kiss me on command.  It melted my heart.  I tell you what, Jase is crazy about his Papa.  I feel like the most boring, lame Mama whenever Chuck is around.  Those two are so wild together, and that’s fine with me.

I’ve been working on a special surprise for Chuck’s birthday (tomorrow).  I’m pretty excited!  He could care less about his birthday, but I think I get more excited for his bday than my own.

In other news, it looks like we’re going to have to move homes AGAIN.  This will be 4 homes in 3 years.  I think I will probably have a nervous break down.  I told Chuck if we move into another rental I’m not even going to unpack- I’ll just leave it all in boxes because inevitably we’ll have to move again.  Oh how I despise packing and unpacking.  Especially while chasing a 10 month old, and throwing up in between boxes.

Here’s hoping for a long afternoon nap time!      

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