Free Tea

Free Tea

Dunkin Donuts has a new rank in my book.  This summer, until the end of September, DD is offering .99 iced tea or iced coffee- IF you use their permanent cup and the DD Perks card.  For signing up, I even got a FREE drink today.  Nothing gets me more excited than FREE things- especially tea or coffee.  My new favorite drink there is the coconut iced coffee.  Oh.yum.

The free drink is pretty much the high light of my week.  That’s got to tell you how awful the past week has been.  A little bit night-marish, actually.  I’ll spare you the gory details, but Chuck and I both got hit with an awful stomach bug.  In fact, we had a pot luck with 13 people total (including 2 babies) and every single person except for one guy got sick with the same bug.  At first we suspected food poisoning, but since both babies got sick, it has to be a virus.  Yes, Jase is still sick.  We took him to the doctor after four days, and thankfully he’s very healthy except for his little tummy issues.  He’s extremely contagious (we all obviously were!) so we’ve been stuck in the house.  Not fun, especially on a holiday weekend.  But our sympathies are with the little guy, of course.

Before Montezuma’s Revenge hit, Jase and I had enjoyed a fabulous trip to Iowa with my Mom.  Jase got to meet my Grandma for the first time, as well as lots of my aunts, uncles, and cousins.  We had such a blast.  It was really special to celebrate with four generations on Mother’s Day, too.  I am so grateful for the time we had with family.  I absolutely love visiting Iowa!  There are many memories and wonderful moments etched in my heart from my experiences with family there over the years.

Something to note: June 6 is National Donut Day, so if you buy any drink at a DD, you’ll get a free donut.  =)

One thought on “Free Tea

  1. My heart sank when I heard about the stomach bug that you all caught last weekend! Ugh. Praying that Jase gets well soon. Awesome that you got to spend Mother's Day with your family! And thanks for the DD tip!

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