For Women Only- Give Away!

For Women Only- Give Away!

I give full credit to this blog post idea to one Mrs. Lindsay Jacobs!  She wrote a blog post about the book, “The Power of a Praying Wife” by Stormie Omartian- you can read her post here.  I have been praying through this book since Chuck and I were engaged, and it’s amazing to see how God has answered those prayers.  Lindsay actually had a give away of this book on her blog, and it inspired me to do my own give away of a different book. (*Fun Fact:  Lindsay is the sister-in-law of my “old friend” Amber I wrote about in my last post!)

Chuck’s older sister recommended the book, “For Women Only” by Shaunti Feldhahn when we were engaged.  I read it back then, and then recently re-read most of it.  Ironically, a woman from our church gave me another copy for Christmas (but I just got it in March, ha!).  Soooo, I thought I’d do what Lindsay did and offer a brand new, FREE revised and updated copy of “For Women Only” to a randomly selected person who comments on here.

To be put into the drawing, all you have to do is comment on this post about 1.) something you love about your spouse, AND 2.) one reason you are thankful for your spouse.  If you are single, share two qualities you desire in your future spouse.

I am really excited to give this great book away!  Contest closes on Wednesday night, April 23.  Can’t wait to read your comments! (Once the winner is selected, I will post the name and the winner can email me their address.)

5 thoughts on “For Women Only- Give Away!

  1. I love how thoughtful and considerate my wife is. She is a wonderful friend and has many long-lasting friendships, because she takes great interest in their lives. When we were married I didn't want to have a bride side and a groom side, because my side would have looked empty compared to hers. 😀

    I'm thankful that she also remembers my family member's b'days and makes sure we get our cards out in time. hehe

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