I’ve only been able to attend services with our new church community a few times, and it’s been a hard transition for me. But the service yesterday was quite different. Chuck and I are learning that LWCC has many pretty cool traditions during the holiday season. Yesterday was their annual Thanksgiving service which included “Cardboard Testimonies”. I have seen this type of testimony before and found it extremely moving. Yesterday was no different. Our wonderful, dear friends Ben and Jess visited us for the weekend so they were watching the testimonies with me. The three of us were a crying mess together.
I was VERY encouraged and VERY inspired by the vulnerability and courage of the people who shared. I began thinking of my own cardboard testimonies in my head. It really got my mind kicked into high gear for this week of Thankfulness. It also got me thinking about all the family and friends I have and all the good ways God is working in all of us. Even in the MIDST of painful seasons, which Chuck and I find ourselves in, God is good.
So I would like to ask you, friend or stranger, what is your E-version cardboard testimony? I think you’ll be encouraged if you watch this video (Click to watch) or even if you watch just a couple of these testimonies. The testimonies yesterday were so good I just wanted to hear even more stories about the goodness of God. Please share- either by commenting here, or the link on Facebook. Here is my E-cardboard testimony:
Pregnant, over-joyed, lost the baby, devastated/ Pregnant again, fearful, another loss, more devastation/Third pregnancy, more fear, God is the giver and taker of life/Our son is 2 1/2 months old/God is Healer
Thanks for sharing, and Happy Thanksgiving to all!
4 thoughts on “Cardboard”
Loved loved loved our time wi t h you guys. Jase is so precious and cute. Miss you all already! The cardboard testimonies were truly a blessing and such a testimony of God`s faithfulness and love for his children. I have seen the Lord move and bless in so many ways lately that my cup runneth over with thanksgiving and praise….I think I would need several large pieces of cardboard. If I have to chose one: father diagnosed with cancer,surgeries and chemo/ God is MIGHTY TO HEAL! father is cancer free.Praise the Lord!
Great post babe! Yesterday's service was powerful indeed! My "Electronic Cardboard Testimony" might say something like this:
Discouraged & confused about what God is doing / Now experiencing God's daily provision, strength & renewal
This was truly so amazing…gives hope to all to see such testimonies! Is that the pastor who speaks at the end? Because I think our cardboards are still being written. Trusting God through it all though! He is mighty!
Husband went through three open heart surgeries. Now preaching — powerfully– spririt filled messages!