Puggle Love
It’s officially a snow day here South of the Mason Dixon Line- in the month of March. Who would have thought? I’m pretty excited about the change of pace. The snow keeps coming down in HUGE beautiful flakes. We have nowhere to go, no place to be, and are quite happy about it. Plus, American Idol is on tonight and we can curl up, settle in, and enjoy the two-hour guy’s night. Normally we’d be with our teen small group, but obviously that’s not going to happen given the circumstances.
My baby girl LOVES the snow. I’m tempted to take her out and play, but then she’ll come back in reeking like a wet dog. We just got her groomed recently, and don’t want to pay for that again right now. Although I have to say, Pet Smart has a great deal for grooming. It’s totally worth the $25 for them to wash, dry, brush, and make her fur smell nice. Plus they trim her nails (which takes us an eternity!), clean her ears, and make sure her skin is healthy. When we wash her at home, she still smells like a wet dog, and her fur gets all over us and anything else in the way. I don’t know how Pet Smart does it, but she’s so squeaky clean when we pick her up. I love it! When Chuck brought her home last time, Jovie came running in to see me wearing this:
I just laughed and laughed. She looked so cute I couldn’t stand it. Plus whenever she wears clothes, or anything like clothes, she is really subdued. I wonder if she gets embarrassed? This girl certainly brightens my days, and brings so much fun to our home. My sweet widdle Wovie.