“Marriage Isn’t Sexy”

“Marriage Isn’t Sexy”

Tonight Heidi and I went out for a little Target shopping as I needed to pick up a wedding shower gift.  Chuck and I had attempted to buy a gift earlier in the day, but got so frustrated that Target had NOTHING off the registry they claimed to have, we gave up and went home.  I needed a girl friend reinforcement.  Sure enough, when she and I got to searching for something off the registry, she pointed me straight to the correct item I was looking for.  The trick was, what the registry claimed the item was called, it was not in fact called that.  She looked up the tiny sku number, and voila!  We found the item.  In like 30 seconds.  I was kinda more ticked at Target for making it so complicated.  My poor man had just about passed out from boredom and irritation following me around Target, going back and forth to a million different aisles looking for the correct name.  It’s not the name people, it’s the SKU.

This little narrative actually fits nicely in with my next discovery.  Heidi has created a website about marriage with a goal to write a book.  She is collecting anonymous (or not) stories about marriage.  We all have those quirky, goofy, funny moments when we look at our spouse and think, “This is not what I daydreamed about since I was 5 years old.”  She showed me her website tonight on my phone as we were sitting at Applebee’s.  I was laughing so hard, and crying at some of the stories people had shared.

Heidi would love to hear your stories, too.  Here is her website, whether you’d like to be entertained, or preferably if you’d like to contribute a little something.  I think you’ll have a good time.  I know my husband will have a plethora of things to share.  Poor guy, I still wonder why he chose me?!


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