Advent has begun!
As soon as I finished the last post, Chuck hollered down, “I’m reeeeeeeeeeady!” I jumped up and hurried towards the stairs to find this:
My Advents! These little stockings are so cute I had to keep myself from crying. I was completely surprised. He wanted me to open Day 1 immediately since tomorrow we will open his Mom’s package. The note seen in the picture for Day 1 told a cute little story about how the military uses a tiny object for making food. Included in the stocking was a mini blade looking thing. I was then instructed to find my first gift under the tree. How had I missed it? I raced down the stairs to see this…
He has always wrapped gifts so beautifully! Tada!
My VERY OWN electric can opener! Lest you feel disappointed for me that I got an appliance, I have been dying for my own electric can opener. There is one out at the Dubbe family house, and every time we go, I think I say, “I wish I had one of these!” Our old can opener is really annoying, and actual hurts my hand. I had to try the new one out right away. We now have a can of black beans opened electrically. Hallelujah- I couldn’t be happier!
I’m super excited for the next 25 days. I already feel like the most special girl on the planet.