Day 31 and Done
We had a Halloween Extravaganza for our small group of teens last night! Chuck found a whole bunch of decorations and props in the youth room and we had a blast decorating our house for the occasion. You can’t quite see in this picture, but we had hanging bat lights on the banister, and spider webs- complete with spiders, all over our big, annoying front bush.
Our group is called The North Group- really creative, I know. We don’t get a say in the name. Gotta tell ya, we are loving the chalk board wall.
Here’s the place all spooked out. The dining room even had a flashing red light.
Here are some of our crazy teenie boppers. It was pretty exciting to have FIVE kids come that hadn’t come before! We loved having them. Check out our cute co-leader, Candy in her home-made 50’s gear. (To the left of the pizza, and in the corner of the couch.) Candy is also my dearly wonderful mentor and friend.
We had such a laugh over the fact that we’re OLD. I had put the names, “Herman Munster” and “Morticia” into a game. The teens kept saying, “Herman Moon-ster” and “mortician”. No, not “Moon-ster” and certainly not “mortician”. They had no clue what or who The Adams Family or The Munsters were. Sad day.
Here are my two favorite dates for the evening. Chuck made everybody wear a wig and carry a prop if they came without a costume. Man did that wig ITCH!
Day 31 was also our first opportunity to hand out candy to our little neighbors. It was so much fun! My favorite character of the evening was this “sweet” little girl in a
cute little outfit. I was all about her until she whipped out a sword and announced she was going to chop me to pieces. Ummm, OK?! Later that night Chuck and I had a great laugh over it.
On an exciting note, I met the girl who does hair in our neighborhood, and now I have her number. It was super embarrassing though because I introduced myself while wearing the above hideous wig. The wig bangs kept getting in my eyes and it was so hard to see. I felt like such a fool as I wrote down her number- me in the itchy wig, her with the perfect hair-dresser hair. She was probably scared to death of what my real hair looked like- not much better.
Well, folks. That’s a wrap. FFA’s are officially over. I have to say, I am TRHILLED. TO. DEATH. that’s is finally November. The FFA’s really did help October to whiz by. Now the Holidays are upon us and I am glowing with excitement. There couldn’t be a more perfect ending to our time together than this video. I think it speaks for itself. OH how I LOVE my man! I do appreciate you all for tuning in for the last 31 days. Thank you and good night.
One thought on “Day 31 and Done”
The best thing about your 31 days of celebrating Fall was that you were blogging more often! I miss your posts….