Day 5
OK, OK, OK, as Michelle pointed out (and I had already thought about this) most of my Fun Fall Activities have revolved around coffee. It’s true, my love for coffee has been blazingly obvious this past week. The thing is, Chuck is also a lover of the Joe. And actually, one of the things that first attracted me to my man was this love of his. In fact, it’s one of the first things I fell in love with him over. In the past I had dated guys that couldn’t stand coffee, and for that reason, I couldn’t stand them. That may seem ridiculous, but there is something about the bond over a fresh hot pot of coffee ymminess that can only be marked by coffee breath two empty mugs waiting for more. My dreams came true when God gave me a coffee addict. Two addicts are better than one. 😉
Funny story, the first time Chuck came to my house when we were dating (Well, it was my brother Luke and his wife Trisha’s house where I was living that year, nannying my other love, my nephew Chail) I offered him coffee. He eagerly accepted and my heart soared! I wanted to impress him with my coffee making skills- I was working at Starbucks after all- so I made it strong. Maybe in my cockiness, a little too strong. When I served Chuck the coffee, and handed him the creamer, I noticed he kept adding more and more creamer. He’d take a sip, pour more creamer, take another sip, pour even more creamer, sip, cream, sip, cream…you get the picture. Oops. Trisha had noticed the whole thing, and when he left we had a great laugh over it. Chuck has always been so kind to me.
Anyway, I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate day five than this….
3 thoughts on “Day 5”
It's only Day 5 and I'm lovin' it! Bring on the coffee, creamer, and pumpkin spice whatever! My babe is awesome and never stops surprising me with goodness! Thank you!
I love it!! I'd fall in love with you all over again, myself, if I were Chuck!! adorable. over the top-make-my-heart-happy adorable. And I agree. Coffee. is. amazing. (I had the opportunity to force…errr…I mean, expose Mike to the coffee-lover's lifestyle. I'm proud to say I've succeeded! He's an official "coffee snob"! yaye me!)
p.s. my post today had a coffee reference as well. so you are in good company 😉