Day 12
Day 12, what a day! Not only did I surprise Chuck with our FFA, but he surprised me with a FF date night! I guess it just goes to show, when you pour into your spouse, your spouse in turn wants to pour into you. I’ll take the pouring. Any night where I don’t have to fix dinner is my dream pour.
But back to #12. Instead of going to the pumpkin patch where we have gone in the past, and had to pay per pound for whatever pumpkin we picked, we took the thrifty option and went to (what else?!) Trader Joe’s! There we got to pick any pumpkin we wanted for just $3.99. Gotta love it.
After much deliberation, including searching for the pumpkin with the least amount of dirt dent, one with a proper stem (Chuck finds a proper stem very important), and just the right amount of roundness, we found her.
And since we were there, we just had to wander inside to get a sample of the day and buy ourselves a FF treat. Oh hello…
I have to say, though, that the TJ regular chai mix is better than the pumpkin chai. I know, I know, I hate to put down the pumpkin, but there is something about the TJ regular chai that really floats my boat.
After we got home from our excursion, we were standing in our dining room and noticed this Uhaul truck full of small pumpkins driving around our neighborhood. There were kids walking toward our house with pumpkins and I said to Chuck, “Oh no! Those kids are probably doing a fund raiser and we just bought a pumpkin. I can’t resist little kids selling pumpkins! Let’s get out of the house so they can’t ask us!” As it turns out, they were giving away free pumpkins and advertising their Mom’s real estate business. You already know how I feel about free stuff. Glorious! Meet baby pumpkin.
As I mentioned, my man surprised me with a date night. He took me to the very restaurant where we met for the very first time. Our friend Katie introduced us there (If you don’t know the story, Chuck was not aware he was being set up. But once he met me, his life would never be the sae ;). The three of us had such a blast that night, and the memories there are quite special. We miss and love you KT!
Our night ended on a light-hearted note as we got to watch the performance of “Legally Bonde” the musical. The best part of all is our friend, Nic played Warner and did such a fantastic job. He had Chuck and I cracking up. I was sad that my dear friend, Jessi- Nic’s wife– couldn’t make it tonight, but she had to be the wonderful Mama that she is. We had such a great time. Bonus, there was a dessert reception since it was opening night. Yum-yum! Congrats, Nic- we loved seeing your awesome skills!
Whew, we’re tired! G’night Day 12!