Just about to be MARRIED! (Tim and Anni, that is!) |
I know this sign says something about marriage, but I can’t quite remember. In Germany, the “real” wedding takes place at the courthouse, and that actually counts as the anniversary date. In the case of Tim and Anni, they also had another wedding celebration the next day that was more like an “American-style” wedding.
The courthouse wedding was wonderful, even though I couldn’t understand a word anyone was saying! Chuck did an amazing job of interpreting for me, but I still constantly felt frustrated in not knowing the language. I wanted to know every detail of what was going on, but that just wasn’t possible. So, I found myself paying closer attention to facial expressions, body language, and the environment around me. I have heard that when one of the 5 senses is lost, then the other senses kick into over-drive. That’s how I felt in Germany. Though “understanding a foreign language” isn’t a sense, it certainly feels like it! My other senses kicked into high gear and I snapped pictures like crazy!
Exchanging the rings! |
Still exchanging! |
Mr. & Mrs. Dubbe! YAY! |
I wore really high heels that day! |
After the marriage ceremony (for lack of a better word!) Tim and Anni treated family and a few friends to a delicious brunch! Oh how I love trying and eating German food! This place served some sort of amazingly huge pancake-type entree. They had me at pancakes! There was also a constant supply of hot tea and hot coffee on the table which I took advantage of and thoroughly enjoyed. This place was outside, but there was a covering over our tables. The restaurant supplied pillows to sit on, and blankets to cover up with. There could be no better combination for me! I wish ALL restaurants provided blankets! I usually freeze to death and so I fully embraced the blanket provisions. We had such a lovely meal together celebrating the happy couple! BUT, the fun had only just begun!
One thought on “Wedding #1”
I was just reading through some random blogs, but was that wedding in Wuerzburg? On one of the pictures there is the "Marienburg" and the "Schloss" in the background behind the Main river isn´t it? I lived there, but moved to New York :).
Nice wedding 🙂 .
By the way, the sign says: "Registration for the Wedding"